How To Avoid Childish Tantrums In Public Places

How To Avoid Childish Tantrums In Public Places
How To Avoid Childish Tantrums In Public Places

Every person, at least once in his life, has witnessed a situation in which they were present: a child who shouts in the street or in a store, demanding something from an adult, and an adult parent who cannot calm his child down with any persuasion and punishment. The main aspect, of course, here is permissiveness in upbringing, but not always, sometimes, and even very often, the child simply requires attention to himself, something bothers him or he is afraid of something.

How to avoid childish tantrums in public places
How to avoid childish tantrums in public places

How can you learn to understand your own child and prevent such manifestations, especially in public places? It is necessary not only to listen, but also to hear what any person is trying to convey to the attention, and especially a baby who has not yet learned to clearly and clearly express his thoughts and experiences.

The first thing worth paying attention to is undoubtedly upbringing. Do not allow anyone (especially yourself) to overly indulge or pamper your child, do not mindlessly fulfill all his whims. In order for the kid not to "demand" something in the store or near the kiosk, "rolling" at the same time a tantrum, it is worth bringing up one simple quality in him - responsibility. After all, it is not difficult to give a child a bag of mittens or a handkerchief and say that he must watch him closely. Then all attention will be diverted to the "responsible task" that he was entrusted with as an adult.

Try to explain to the kid (when he is already at a conscious age) that any purchase requires money, and you have to earn it, and not always in an easy way (children understand this already somewhere at the age of 3-4 years). Then there will be much fewer problems with purchases.

If the child does not calm down, then maybe something scared or bothers him, sit down on your haunches so that your eyes are approximately at the same level, and listen to what he is talking about. For an adult, children's problems can be trivial, and the baby needs to be listened to and helped to cope with the situation that has arisen. Try to understand what caused such anxiety, hug the child (parental hugs bring comfort even to an adult).

And most importantly, it is necessary to remember that in no case should you "brush off" such situations or indulge them in everything. Then the child will eventually withdraw into himself, or begin to behave even more capricious, based on the fact that the adult will do and buy everything, just to prevent such situations.
