Children's tantrums are a very unpleasant phenomenon. Moreover, both the children who are the initiators of this scandal and the parents who have to blush for their unbalanced child are in an awkward position. As a rule, such situations end in the same way. A crying child, angry parents and a huge amount of negative emotions hanging in the air.

Particularly desperate parents can even use physical force and release a couple of slaps at the raging child. But no matter what they say, this is the most serious mistake in the educational process. The use of physical force indicates the helplessness of an adult. This usually happens when parents do not have enough experience, patience and knowledge.
What to do and how to react to childish tantrums correctly? Let's make a reservation right away in the sense that there are no uniform and universal methods. Each specific situation requires an individual solution. It is very important to consider the temperament of your baby, the value system and the lifestyle of your family. All this is of great importance.
Even before your adored child arranges for you the next or first scandal, try to understand one important thing. No child will throw you tantrums for no reason. There must be some underlying reason for this behavior of the baby. Perhaps your child is spoiled and this is what provokes him to such breakdowns. In this case, the main reason is illiterate upbringing. Or maybe the baby's unsatisfactory behavior is caused by some kind of discomfort, for example, he is hungry, thirsty, he has a headache. Obviously, in each of these cases, you will act differently. The most important thing is not to lose your composure! Don't let the negative emotions caused by an unpleasant situation get the best of you. Otherwise, later you will regret what you did and what you said to your baby. And even more so, do not arrange debriefing in crowded places. This is ugly and very disrespectful to your child to say the least.
If your baby already knows how to speak, or somehow express his desires, then talk to him. The main purpose of this dialogue is to find out the reason why the baby is rebelling. However, it is very difficult to do this when the child screams and resists. Therefore, initially make every effort to distract the baby (toy, stranger, song, etc.). Do not in any way scare the kid like "Now that evil uncle will take you away." This will make your baby feel insecure about you.
Even if there are many people around you, don't worry. For you in this situation, the psychological state of your own child is much more important, and not outside onlookers. If the baby does not give in to persuasion at all, then calmly take him by the hand and take him home. Ignore the manifestation of your baby's rage, he should understand that such actions usually do not attract attention.