Aggression is a form of self-defense that is an instinct for survival in this world. Initially, aggression is inherent in every person, but in the process of growth, education, a person learns to transform aggression into the most acceptable ways of behaving in society. In order not to experience difficulties in communication, a person needs to learn to control his aggressiveness. Do not suppress! And to control. Man has

Aggression is a form of self-defense that is an instinct for survival in this world. Initially, aggression is inherent in every person, but in the process of growth and upbringing, a person learns to transform aggression into the most acceptable ways of behaving in society. In order not to experience difficulties in communication, a person needs to learn to control his aggressiveness. Do not suppress! And to control. A person has the right to defend and defend his interests in any socially acceptable way, while not infringing on the rights and interests of other people and without causing harm to anyone. This is the task of parents - to teach their baby to control his aggressiveness and use the methods for reacting that are acceptable in a civilized society.
What are the reasons for the aggressiveness of children?
1. fear of the world around him, the child does not trust and worries about his safety;
2. the child is faced with frequent prohibitions, with the dissatisfaction of his needs, the desired and the possible do not coincide;
3. restriction of the child's freedom; with the help of aggression, the child asserts himself, tries to gain independence, independence, defends his rights and territory;
4. the child does not feel love and support from loved ones;
5. trouble in the family.
The child expresses his protest with aggression. Aggressiveness in a child is a sign of internal emotional stress, a bunch of negative experiences, one of the inadequate methods of psychological defense. Aggression for a child is the only way to get rid of psycho-emotional distress, internal anxiety.
What can parents do to prevent their child from becoming aggressive?
Show your love for your baby. Almost all parents love their children with unconditional love, but not all, due to their character, upbringing or personal convictions, show it to their child. Tell your baby that you love him as often as possible. After all, his sometimes aggressiveness is a cry from the heart about the lack of your love for him. If you are not happy with any action of the child, explain to him that you are unhappy with the action (and how, and why), and not with the child himself.
Second, children learn social behavior by watching you. If you want your baby to learn to control his behavior, then you yourself must be able to behave adequately in any situation. Remember, your child is always watching you and copies everything!
The suppression of aggression is very harmful to human health. Therefore, the child must be taught not to suppress the feelings that arose in an attack of aggression, but to transform. What? It is possible in words (you made me angry, I am offended, angry, upset, etc.), it is possible in actions. But actions should not harm others or the child. Aggression is tremendous strength and energy. You can direct this energy to completely peaceful purposes. Adults can be advised to direct this energy to work or household chores, and the child? Well, the first is sports. The second is active games. The third is a pillow. The pillow can be hit, kicked, in general, give an outlet for the outbreak of aggression. The fourth is art therapy. The child can draw the one who caused him anger and tear this drawing up.
To prevent and further nullify the attacks of aggression in the child, parents need to pay enough attention to the baby. Learn to respect the child's personality, reckon with his opinion, take his feelings seriously. Let your child be held accountable for their actions and give them enough freedom. Provide your child with your own territory, in which he will be the master. And some aspect of life that you cannot encroach on without the consent of the baby.