As a person grows up, the number of people in one way or another entering his life increases. With the beginning of a married life, the number of new members of the "family" increases significantly.

How to contact a sister's husband
At first glance, it may seem that the names of relatives on the part of a husband or wife are not so important to know. However, practice shows that quite often situations arise when such information can be useful.
The meaning of such common words as "father-in-law", "mother-in-law", "father-in-law" and "mother-in-law" are known to a large number of people from deep childhood. Therefore, such appeals of relatives to each other will surprise few people, and even more so they will not be puzzled. But the fact is that there can be a lot of relatives, and not all names are known to a wide range of people.
The husband's father is the father-in-law and his mother is the mother-in-law. At the same time, the wife's father is called father-in-law, and the wife's mother is called mother-in-law.
Most modern people are accustomed to the fact that the son-in-law is the husband of the daughter for the mother and father of the bride. This is a fairly common and familiar appeal of the older generation to a newly-made family member. However, if you look into the explanatory dictionary, you can find information that a man who marries a woman is a son-in-law for her entire family. Thus, the groom of the daughter, the groom of the sister and even the groom of the sister-in-law after the marriage will become the son-in-law for the bride's parents, her brothers and sisters.
The sister-in-law is the husband's sister, and the brother-in-law is his brother.
The origin of the word "son-in-law"
Translated from the Old Slavonic language, the word "son-in-law" means "groom". From this it immediately becomes clear why the sister of any woman can call her husband a son-in-law. Initially, this word has its roots in the Indo-European language, where it was used in a slightly different sense and meant a man belonging to the “same family”, that is, a relative. After all, often the husband of a sister and daughter becomes a real relative for her family. Thus, the bride's parents often regard the groom, and subsequently the daughter's husband, as their named son, and the sister treats the sister's husband as a brother.
Communication of a sister with a son-in-law
Very often the sisters are close to each other and are not only the closest relatives, but also the best friends. After all, the sisters know each other like no other. They grew up together, supported each other, shared secrets and experiences from childhood. When one of the sisters gets married, it is often stressful for the other.
At this moment, it is important to realize that her husband does not want to destroy the friendship and idyll that has arisen between the sisters. He just wants to make a person close and dear to him happy. Therefore, it is important to maintain good relations with your son-in-law, first of all, for the sake of your beloved sister. After all, making friends with families is very important for maintaining familiar close family ties and for a comfortable life for spouses.