How To Be With A Guy If There Is A Rival In

How To Be With A Guy If There Is A Rival In
How To Be With A Guy If There Is A Rival In

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Gaining the attention and sympathy of a guy you like can be especially difficult when there is another girl between you. The correct tactics of behavior with a young man will help you cope with your rival.

Don't overestimate your rival
Don't overestimate your rival


Step 1

Find out what your chances are. If your rival is in a close enough relationship with the guy you are interested in, you should not break up the established couple and spoil someone else's romance. When the situation with another girl is still at the stage of flirting or an even less serious stage, take action.

Step 2

Analyze the situation. It is important to gather information about the young man and the girl who might come between you. Try to find out how they communicate, what unites them, in order to objectively assess the balance of power.

Step 3

Identify your strengths. Find out what sets you apart from your rival and helps you stand out in front of the object of your sympathy from the best side. Use your own strengths to win a young person's heart.

Step 4

Try to get close with the guy you like. Surely you have common interests and common interests. Use them to find common ground with your young person.

Step 5

Do not show your jealousy in front of a man, even if you are very worried about your rival. You have to prove yourself as a confident girl. Otherwise, your doubts about your own attractiveness and feminine charm may become noticeable to the guy, and the impression of you may spoil.

Step 6

Do not openly conflict with your opponent. Be wiser. Feeling can negatively affect a young person's opinion of you. The best strategy is to act like the other girl isn't there, but keep in mind what sets you apart from her.

Step 7

Remain calm if a rival appears on the horizon of your serious relationship with your boyfriend. With scandals and jealousy, you will only alienate your loved one from yourself. Continue to show your partner love, respect, and affection.

Step 8

Learn to find pluses in any situation. The appearance of an unlucky rival can stir up your relationship and add spice to it. In addition, this way you can sort out your feelings for the young man. Perhaps you will realize that more than anything in the world you are afraid of losing your loved one, or, conversely, you will find that you are indifferently watching how they are trying to take him away, because you do not care.

Step 9

Play beautifully. You should not take revenge on a guy and a girl if a rival ruined your pair or your plans to create one. Remember, things don't just happen. So this young man was not meant for you. And if you lost your boyfriend because of the girl who got into your romance, then the man's feelings were not real.
