Recently, people have been actively using social networks to meet members of the opposite sex. If you like a girl, you can easily attract her attention using social network for this.

How to attract the attention of a girl using the social network "Vkontakte"?
If you are registered on the Vkontakte website, and there is an account of a girl you like, first of all you can draw her attention to yourself by evaluating her photos, music and videos.
Go to the page of the fair sex. On the right, under the main user information, there is a map with photos. Click on any picture you like. Under the photo you will see a heart, by clicking on which you will make it clear that you like the image. Do the same manipulations with other files. Every "like" will definitely be noticed by this girl, and, perhaps, if you are nice to her, she will be the first to write to you.
The next way to attract attention is to make a friend request. The user will see you in the list of their subscribers, become interested and send you a message, the content of which may be the text: "Are you familiar?" Further, the matter will remain only for you. You can show all your ingenuity and ingenuity to interest the fairer sex.
In addition, you can post on the wall a girl who you like various records, pictures, music or videos. However, such actions are not always available, since the user can restrict access to his wall for people who are not in his list of friends.
How to attract the attention of a girl using the Odnoklassniki social network?
If you want to use the Odnoklassniki social network to meet a girl, go to the page of a representative of the opposite sex and start rating her photograph. Then you can send a friend request or write a personal message asking for an acquaintance. Just do not be banal, do not start the correspondence with hackneyed compliments and flattery. It is best to start a conversation not with praise, but with a greeting and a question about a photo. For example, if a girl was photographed against the background of some landmark, you can ask her in which city this place is located. It all depends only on your imagination and your imagination.
You can also give the girl a private or open gift, she will surely be very pleased, and she herself will write you words of gratitude. By the way, gifts can be given not only in Odnoklassniki, but also in Vkontakte.