Clearblue Pregnancy Test: Price, Reviews

Clearblue Pregnancy Test: Price, Reviews
Clearblue Pregnancy Test: Price, Reviews

Modern technologies do not stand still. Not so long ago, a unique device appeared that allows you to determine the duration of pregnancy without passing an analysis to determine hCG. An unusual diagnostic test is called Clearblue.

Clearblue pregnancy test: price, reviews
Clearblue pregnancy test: price, reviews

The Clea Blue test, at the moment, is very popular among women. The official website offers several modifications of the famous brand. How accurate is the unique test and what reviews exist about Clea Blue, we will consider all this in this article.

When did the first pregnancy test appear?

Pregnancy tests have been around for a long time. Surprisingly, the first semblance of modern dough appeared in the fourth millennium before Christmas. The first diagnosis of pregnancy was done with herbs. She made some kind of a tampon out of them and carried them in for three days. After it was removed. In the event that the herbs were iridescent and had a pearlescent color, it was believed that the woman was pregnant. This composition of plants is still a mystery to scientists.

The real home test appeared only in 1971, when scientists were able to sufficiently study the human choriotropic hormone, which is used to diagnose pregnancy.

The electronic test has appeared quite recently. This happened in the early 2000s. Initially, an electronic test, determining the level of hCG, showed the absence or presence of pregnancy. Now science has moved to a new level and the test allows you to determine not only the presence of pregnancy, but also the term.

ClearBlue test: varieties

Clearblue pregnancy tests gained their popularity precisely after the creation of an electronic version that determined the presence of pregnancy. However, the manufacturer's lineup includes other models. Let's take a closer look at what tests this manufacturer has.

All ClearBlue products are made in Switzerland and are considered one of the most accurate. They are not only accurate and easy to use, but also fast. The manufacturer produces three types of tests:

Jet test Clearblue Plus

This model is the cheapest in the line of tests of this company. The test plate has a special built-in reagent strip that changes color upon contact with human chorionic gonadotropin. With this test, you can determine the presence of pregnancy with an accuracy of 99.9%. The device is quite sensitive and allows you to determine the increase in the hormone already several days before the expected delay.

The device is a jet device, so it is not worth collecting urine separately. It is enough to substitute the device under the stream of urine and wait 5-10 seconds. As soon as the body fluid enters the handpiece, it permeates the entire strip. After the reaction is over, the display shows the result - 1 or 2 lines.


Jet test Clearblue Easy

Device? the same as the previous one? is jet, so you should not collect urine separately. The device consists of two windows. The first window shows the test result, and the second shows its reliability. Once urine has been applied to the tip, it should turn bright pink. In this case, a blue bar will appear in the second window, which indicates the correctness of the test. After 4-5 minutes, the result is evaluated in the first window. If the result is positive - a "+" sign will appear, if negative - "-".


Clearblue Digital

Clearblue Digital is a unique digital device that allows you not only to know about the presence of pregnancy, but also to accurately determine its duration. A special intelligent sensor is built into the device, which compares the level of chorionic hormone with the approximate time from the beginning of conception and gives the result in weeks. All data is displayed on a special screen. Clearblue Digital detects pregnancies even as early as 1 week of pregnancy. The sensitivity of the test is 99.9%.


Errors that can lead to false results

Despite the simplicity of the devices, many women still make them wrong. Because of this, tests can give false positive results. Let's consider the most common mistakes made during diagnostics.

  • The hormone readings are too low. The test may show one bar or not give a result at all, since the indicators and the smart sensor are not able to assess such small amounts of the hormone.
  • Kidney pathology. Due to diseases of the genitourinary system, the chorionic hormone may not enter the urine at all, and the test will not detect it.
  • Poor fixation of the egg in the uterine cavity, which may indicate the risk of miscarriage.
  • The presence of oncology that suppresses the synthesis of hCG.
  • The use of diuretic drugs that "dilute" the concentration of hCG.

Clearblue Digital Instructions for Use

It is statistically proven that many women prefer the latest Clearblue Digital device. Studies have shown that many do it for fun, and only 15% rely on the accuracy of the latest invention.

Let us consider what algorithm of action a woman should perform during the diagnosis of pregnancy with a unique test.

  1. The test is carried out at any time of the day, but it is better to do this in the morning, since the level of hCG during this period is much higher.
  2. Pull the device out of the foil and remove the protective cap.
  3. The analysis can be carried out using urine, which was previously collected in a container, or by directing the indicator under the stream of urine, since the test is a jet test.
  4. The sampler must be in the biological fluid for at least 5 seconds. This time is quite enough to activate the reagent.
  5. After the analysis, the text "Wait" lights up on the test, which indicates that the results are being read.
  6. Within 3 minutes, the inscription "Wait" should be replaced by the result.
  7. Clearblue Digital assumes two results: "Pregnant" and "Not pregnant". If there is a pregnancy, then within a few minutes the result is displayed in weeks.
  8. It is important to understand that the test diagnoses the level of hCG, starting from the moment of conception, respectively, the results will look like this:
  • 1-2 weeks - 3-4 weeks of pregnancy;
  • 2-3 weeks - gestation period 4-5 weeks;
  • 3+ - gestational age is 5 weeks or more.

The result will remain on the display for 24 hours.


How much do Clearblue appliances cost

The Clearblue brand is quite expensive compared to comparable pregnancy test models.

The cost of the Clearblue Plus model is on average from 120 to 150 rubles. The price for Clearblue Easy does not exceed 100 rubles. The electronic model is considered one of the most expensive tests on the market. Its cost varies from 350 to 400 rubles. Many may say that such a price is unjustified, but manufacturers are confident that the quality and ease of use of all test models fully justifies their cost.


Reviews of the Clearblue line

According to obstetricians and gynecologists, one of the most sensitive test options is Clearblue Digital. This device determines the level of the hormone with almost 100% of the result. Despite the fact that the cost of the test is quite high, it is fully comparable to the price of hCG analysis.

Based on user reviews, most women prefer Clearblue tests. However, it should be said that the more popular is the Clearblue Easy model. This type of test has a low cost and is quite easy to use. Many women noted that they only used the Digital test after getting 100% of the result.
