Probably, many have noticed people who attract the attention of others. And the reason for this lies in the fact that their image is formed correctly, in accordance with the recommendations of professional stylists.

The image of a person has several components. The first of them is external data, which include hairstyle and clothing, accessories and posture, material attributes that can tell almost everything about a person.
There is such a fact that a woman needs only ten seconds to look at a man and understand who is standing in front of her. In most cases, the appearance of the interlocutor can already at first glance tell about his taste and life positions even before the moment of pronouncing the first phrase.
Verbal parameters
The second component should include verbal parameters - that is, facial expression. Mimic manifestations in the look or in the face best reflect the feelings of the interlocutor. That is why it is important to understand that the image of a showman or a business person may depend on the degree of mastery of facial expressions.
Such a person should always study his face, learning what at one time or another happens to his eyebrows, lips or forehead while pronouncing various phrases. It is necessary to constantly monitor the change in facial expressions, its ability to convey information through emotions that are fully consistent with the spoken phrases.
The kinetic component, which includes gait and gestures, is of no small importance in the image. When on the street you observe people who have a pompous appearance, walking skipping, having a shuffling gait, then their image causes a negative impression. The same impressions can be formed from a person sitting inappropriately. You should take care of yourself in any situation and in any place - your gait and physical data in general. In this matter, sports exercises will come to the rescue, which will help develop the strength of mind and body in a person.
The mental component of the image occupies an important position in the formation of the initial impression. This part consists of worldview, ethical attitudes, social stereotypes, as well as religious beliefs.
In addition, a person's image is determined by his voice, as well as the manner in which phrases are constructed, the style of speech, the logical choice of intonation, and the selection of the right words. The speech of a business person must be convincing and sufficiently substantiated, necessarily logical, certainly inspiring thought. It is then that a clear image of a real leader is formed in the listener.
The main thing is that the image corresponds to reality, because otherwise it is completely unnatural.