The word encouragement must be understood as a certain incentive to strive to do or learn something new. Also, encouragement can be viewed as a kind of reward for what was done, after which the child understands that he is doing the right thing. It is necessary to choose the right way of encouragement so that it is pleasant to the child and is the engine for further actions.

Remember that material incentives should not be the main one, because then the child will do something for money. The best and most accessible form of reward is praise.
Agree - everyone likes to be praised for something. Be creative with any praise, or the constant praise and encouragement will lose its motivating power. Also remember that your child needs to understand why they are being praised. Praise him for a great drawing or for diligently putting away the toys behind him, while giving the praise with the proper intonation. Your child will understand you by their tone of voice and facial expressions.
In addition to praise, physical contact is also a great way to reward. There is no child who would not like kisses, hugs and caresses, so it is necessary not only to praise the child, but also to hug him at the same time. Alternatively, you can also give him treats, play with him, or give gifts if the child doesn’t respond to verbal rewards.
You can also diversify pleasant surprises. Remember that treat rewards should be temporary, so if you give them something to treat, be sure to praise them. Over time, the need for treats will disappear, but the need for praise will remain.
Encourage your child's success, achievement, and diligence. Praise him unexpectedly to avoid getting used to the praise.