How To Store Toys

How To Store Toys
How To Store Toys

A common problem for parents is the accumulation of toys and their subsequent storage. The child scatters his belongings around the house, and the apartment gradually turns into a children's toy store.

Create a dedicated play area in your apartment
Create a dedicated play area in your apartment

The first and basic rule for organizing the storage of toys is the purchase of suitable furniture. Racks are best suited for this. Depending on the age of the child, the width of the shelves of the rack is selected. The older the child, the narrower the shelves you can choose. This is determined by the fact that the baby will behave calmly and will not tip the contents onto the floor. For younger children, choose wide racks. Items in these racks are stored in special organizers.

The more organizers you give your child, the greater the chance that the toys will not get lost in the open spaces of the apartment. It will be interesting for the child to open and close different boxes. Together with your baby, you can decorate the storage boxes yourself.

Special attention should be paid to the contents of the organizers. Try to teach your child from an early age that toys should correspond to each other in terms of topics: children's dishes - in one place, a doctor's kit - in another. In the game, try to use one set of things, so the child differentiates objects faster.

Place some of the toys that the child no longer uses in an inaccessible place (folding sofa, upper cabinet shelves). Children from 3 to 4 years old tend to beg their parents for all the toys that are in the house, while they do not really want to play it.

Give your child a couple of toys that they value very much. Always keep them close. Teach your child that the toy requires careful handling. A poem about a bear whose paw was torn off will be just in time. When a child appreciates his things, his attitude towards their storage will immediately change for the better.

Create a dedicated play area in your apartment. Decorate it with your child. It is there that a rack with organizers can be located, as well as various forms of storing toys: chests, fabric hangers, boxes, nets. boxes, buckets.
