How To Store Baby Food

How To Store Baby Food
How To Store Baby Food

Table of contents:


Healthy nutrition is the key to successful growth and good health for your young child. The counters are full of colorful jars with special soft puree from both domestic and foreign manufacturers; only among the huge number of transfers in foreign jars there is no information about how the product should be stored after opening the package.

How to store baby food
How to store baby food


Step 1

Read carefully all the information on the packaging - occasionally storage conditions are still printed, however, only for unopened packaging. How to store an already opened puree, for example, is not always indicated. If for some reason there is no information, then follow the well-known rules for storing baby food.

Step 2

Do not leave an opened jar in the refrigerator for more than two days - baby food deteriorates irrevocably. In this case, it is not worth heating the whole jar, but only the required volume, otherwise the maximum shelf life is reduced to one day. The standard storage temperature is from 0 to + 12 ° C for unused baby food packaging. For an opened can from 0 to + 4 ° C (normal temperature in the refrigerator). If it is not possible to keep an open jar in the refrigerator, then the shelf life is reduced to 4-6 hours, depending on the outside temperature. Up to + 20 ° C - 6 hours, over - 4 hours.

Step 3

Throw away mashed potatoes or yogurt if in doubt whether to feed your baby or not with food that has been in the refrigerator for three days. There will be enough baby food in stores for everyone, and a powder product by this time may contain a decent amount of bacteria and substances formed as a result of the oxidation of the prepared mass. Remember that the appearance and smell of the product remains the same for almost the entire shelf life, so it is very difficult to distinguish an already spoiled product from a normal one. The child's health should be more expensive than a few extra jars.

Step 4

Pay attention also to the conditions in which baby food is stored in the store. Refrigerated shelves and non-expired products inspire confidence, while temperatures above + 30 ° C and jars located on ordinary racks should make you hesitate when buying. It is worth remembering that there is practically no difference between imported and domestic goods on the shelves: transportation in Europe is carried out under strict supervision, but in Russia both foreign and domestic products are transported without proper control.
