Modern women are forced to be strong and independent, since the days of knights on white horses are long gone. Today, the fairer sex is single-handedly raising children, doing business, getting several higher educations, and so on. However, the price for strength is often loneliness, as men shy away from such women.

Consequences of female power
Men for the most part prefer women, next to whom they can relax and receive a portion of admiration, which is vital for them for their male pride. For this, they are even ready to sacrifice their aesthetic preferences, choosing not the smartest and not the most beautiful woman who will make them feel like a demigod.
Having a strong and self-sufficient personality in his life companions, a man is forced to constantly correspond to her - and there is nothing to say about self-affirmation against the background of such a woman. Most often, strong ladies take the role of a "friend in a skirt" next to men, with whom you can talk frankly, ask for advice and … go home, under the cozy wing of a friend looking into a man's mouth. Usually, women with a steel rod inside are avoided not only by weaklings, but also by strong men who simply do not tolerate competition.
Modern realities have forced many women to adapt to the harsh conditions of today's world, put on armor and start stopping white horses at a gallop with their bare hands. However, under this armor, women continue to be creatures who want affection and love more than anything else, but it becomes more and more difficult to show this part of their nature to a man over time. As a result, the female soul becomes hardened, the character becomes aggressive and Nordic, which, of course, further scares off men looking for gentle Turgenev young ladies.
How to become weak
In order not to be lonely, a woman does not have to turn into a chirping fool - it is enough to show a little acting and portray the role of a Victorian lady. First, you need to periodically demonstrate to men your helplessness in matters that have been performed by the male sex from time immemorial. Fixing a broken chair, replacing a wheel in a car, talking with a rude neighbor and other similar things will allow a man to feel his natural superiority, which he can afford. To conquer a man, you should reveal your little secret weaknesses to him - for example, confidentially tell about your phobias.
It should also be remembered that Lady Perfection was only Mary Poppins, and an ordinary woman can relax next to a man and temporarily hide behind his broad back. When communicating with him, you should not constantly talk only about your work and problems - you need to add a little femininity and talk about something neutral, but interesting to both interlocutors. And, of course, it is very important to be relaxed inside - otherwise the man will feel deceived.