The computer has long become an integral part of our life. He is present in almost every family. Both children and adults try to aspire to possess a computer. What is the best age to buy a computer for a child?

Modern children approach their parents with the words "I want!" and "Buy!" immediately after they start talking. Usually, parents cannot withstand such pressure and buy what the child wants. A computer can be bought when a child is three years old, because a wide variety of educational programs can be installed in it. In addition, it is interesting for children to study everything that is happening around.
As for the time spent at the computer, it is best for children under the age of six to be at it no more than fifteen minutes a day. If the age is from seven to nine years, then at the computer you can stay up to half an hour, and at the age of ten to twelve - more than an hour.
How does the monitor affect the eyes? Like televisions, monitors have a profound effect on the eyes of the person looking in them. The most important thing here is to set up the monitor correctly. It should not give out an overly bright picture and should not shine in the eyes. In addition, the display must have the correct contrast and frequency in excess of 85 hertz.
It is also worth taking care of the decor in the room. The room must be well lit and the chair must be correctly adjusted in height. The child's feet must reach the floor. His back should be straight to avoid future spinal problems. The elbows should be flush with the keyboard and mouse.