How To Deal With Child Jealousy

How To Deal With Child Jealousy
How To Deal With Child Jealousy

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When an older child becomes jealous of a younger child, this is a signal for parents. It is necessary to adhere to some rules related to caring for children.

How to deal with child jealousy
How to deal with child jealousy


Step 1

Encourage the older child to participate in caring for the baby, play together, read books, go for a walk, do hygiene procedures. Emphasize the status of an older child, entrusting him with important responsibilities, he can choose what to wear for the baby, what toys to take with him for a walk, what fairy tales to read today. Let the child feel important and responsible towards the younger. Talk about what you couldn’t do without your skilled assistant.

Step 2

Despite the fact that the first months the whole world begins to revolve only around the baby, one of the parents needs to allocate time for joint activities with the older child, without the participation of the younger. Go for a walk, play, just communicate. The child should feel that he is as important to the parents as the newborn baby.

Step 3

With an older child, you should not complain about a younger one, lament about fatigue and problems. This can cause an aggressive, negative attitude of the older child towards the baby, due to the fact that he brings inconvenience and disappointment to the parents.

Step 4

Praise the older child as often as possible for the slightest help, especially when it comes to caring for the baby. Hug and kiss your senior assistant.

Step 5

Do not force an older child to share toys and personal belongings with a younger child. This can cause resentment for being unfairly treated. Give the child time, he himself will begin to give the younger toys, first in the form of an exchange, then unnecessary toys, later the child will not be sorry to share with his beloved brother or sister.

Step 6

If a conflict situation arises in the relationship of children, restrain your emotions. Do not exaggerate the harm the elder did to the younger. Better to calmly explain how to do the right thing. If you begin to accuse a child of bad behavior, say that he does not know how to do anything properly, behaves badly towards the younger one, then soon the label of a bad child will firmly stick to him. This significantly lowers the child's self-esteem, makes one think that he has ceased to be loved, the younger is to blame for everything. This threatens the development of aggression in relation to the older child towards the younger. This can cause a lot of trouble later on.
