Jealousy: What It Is And How To Deal With It

Jealousy: What It Is And How To Deal With It
Jealousy: What It Is And How To Deal With It

Jealousy is a familiar feeling for people in love and close to each other. It often appears suddenly, for a variety of reasons. You should understand this issue in order to get rid of this annoying feeling.

Jealousy: what it is and how to deal with it
Jealousy: what it is and how to deal with it

Psychologists understand jealousy as a certain emotional state, characterized by excessive suspicion, and in some cases - incontinence and anger. It is experienced by both men and women alike. In most cases, jealousy extends to the object of the love relationship, but can affect both close friends and relatives.

Most often, the explanation for jealousy is simple and understandable: a person, because of strong feelings for the object of his love, already perceives it as a special object or thing that belongs only to him alone. It is because of this that he begins to treat the other half with suspicion when she communicates with the opposite sex, is often absent at home, behaves unusual, etc. There is a fear of loss, betrayal of a loved one. Usually, this behavior is considered the norm, except for those cases when it becomes unreasonable: a person begins to be jealous of his object of love for literally everything, falling into depression because of this. In such situations, psychological assistance may be needed.

A person usually becomes prone to jealousy in childhood, for example, when parents begin to pay more attention to his brothers and sisters or other relatives. Friends who start spending time in other companies and stop communicating the way they used to often become a reason for jealousy. As a result, the child receives deep psychological trauma. Because of this, there is a great lack of confidence in the people around and in oneself, there is a fear of being left without attention, of losing contact and relationships with a loved one and dear person, or anger because of his constant suspicion of betrayal.

To overcome jealousy, you need to look deep into yourself, to understand what was the reason for its occurrence. Having found this out, consider how justified your jealousy is. Perhaps there are no reasons for her at all, and the fault is solely your excessive suspicion and hot temperament. Try to get closer to people close to you: if you get to know each other better, you will begin to share even the most intimate. In this case, you will be one hundred percent confident in the person and stop thinking that he is hiding something from you.