Some girls, about to get married, are afraid to meet the mother of their future husband. In this regard, they quite often turn to specialists for help. They also talk about it with their married girlfriends, thinking in advance about how best to proceed.

What character can a mother-in-law have
If you are worried before meeting your mother-in-law, know that mothers who have grown up sons are divided into several types by character.
Well-wisher. Such a mother-in-law to enter your family? will constantly present you and your son with expensive presents and gifts. And if you reject at least one of them, she will definitely tell your husband that you are an ungrateful person. Thus, she will turn him against you.
At first glance, you will never understand that in fact the mother of your future or already present husband is simply jealous of him and is afraid that she will fade into the background.
The mother-in-law who is jealous will take up the rag that you use during cleaning and remove the non-existent dust. How will her son take her sighs when she tells him that you are a bad wife? If he's a mama's boy, he might easily agree that you can't handle household chores. In order to please such a mother-in-law, constantly agree with her. Also tell her how you love her son and what a good husband he is. Do not forget to list all its advantages and keep silent about the disadvantages.
Maybe your husband's mother will understand that she has given him into good hands and will stop prying into your family.
The woman whose adult son is going to marry and has chosen the wrong candidate for the wife that the mother would like will constantly lay claim to her son. Be more careful and attentive with her. In no case do not try to quarrel, otherwise at "every corner" she will shout that you are a bad and harmful daughter-in-law. She will tell her son that when he is not at home, you offend her.
The woman-owner will try to keep her son by her side. In order to constantly see him, she will invent non-existent holidays, meetings, illnesses. Therefore, in order to please her, go with your husband to visit her, do not let him go alone. Never live with his mother, otherwise you risk ruining your marriage.
How to improve your relationship with your husband's jealous mother
Problems in the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law most often arise on domestic grounds. In order to avoid them, call her your second mom and ask for advice in a particular matter. If the mother-in-law continues to be jealous of her son for you, talk to your husband and find out the problems that arose long before you. Also, explain to your mother-in-law that you have a good heart and find a solution to the conflict together. Of course, to do this, buy a cake, candy and a bouquet of her favorite flowers.