How To Marry A Millionaire

How To Marry A Millionaire
How To Marry A Millionaire

Despite the many sad stories of life with a millionaire, many girls are still looking for a fairy-tale prince. If an oligarch husband is your main task for the near future, stop fantasizing and start acting actively.

How to Marry a Millionaire
How to Marry a Millionaire

You will have to try and make a lot of effort. First of all, you need to determine where to look for your future oligarch husband. Of course, there are chances to meet him on the street or in nightclubs, but scanty, and you shouldn't even take them into account. Oil kings do not look after their wife in such places. You won't be happy with the role of a girlfriend for one night. Acquaintance on the Internet, through dating sites, is a controversial option, but you can try if you are friends with your head and carefully filter the information. There are a lot of crazy and idlers, but on the other hand, there is a huge selection of applicants. More and more people are getting to know each other on the world wide web. The largest concentration of wealthy serious men is observed at various auctions, all kinds of charity events, at congresses, conferences, collectors' communities, large industrial exhibitions. Therefore, whenever possible, attend such events from time to time. The easiest way is to look for rich men through acquaintances. Maintain relationships with married friends and colleagues, because the instinctive desire of such ladies is to act as a matchmaker. Just make it clear right away that you only need a wealthy man. Another option is meeting someone at work. Not so much with the management as with wealthy clients who may appear there often. You just need to choose the right place of work where there is an opportunity to communicate with wealthy men. After the acquaintance has taken place, you need to determine the further strategy of behavior with the millionaire. The main thing is to be confident and natural. In no case do not fawn in front of him, you should not grimace, giggle stupidly or cringe with happiness. Such dolls do not cause much curiosity in normal wealthy men and quickly get bored. Uncertainty will definitely lead to the loss of a sophisticated gentleman. Develop self-esteem, self-confidence, this is the most critical skill. Confidence is an attitude, with a great desire, it is developed by training in a few months. Various trainings to help you. Second, come up with a legend. No need to tell pitiful stories about a small apartment and looking for another job. They will see you as a seeker of a rich husband and immediately lose all interest. You can declare yourself a novice model by pre-enrolling in the required courses. For older women, the option of a creative person is suitable: an artist, an actress, a writer. But only you really should have at least little relation to art - to write poetry or to embroider with a cross. Otherwise, you will be exposed one day. Third, come to terms with the shortcomings of a potential husband. Wealth is a man's dignity. All women who married the rich have come to terms with some of their flaws. After all, even a simple man has them, so maybe it's better not to pay attention to the imperfections of a millionaire? Fourth, do not touch on the money issue in the first months of acquaintance. In every girl, wealthy grooms see a predator who is only interested in their finances. Don't let them find the slightest confirmation of their suspicions. Do not accept expensive gifts, money for some time, always have a sufficient amount with you so as not to ask for a taxi, and so on. If you were able to convince your oligarch that you are interested in him, and not in his money, the second stage begins, when, on the contrary, you must demonstrate a certain interest in his work and in his earned fortune. A woman who does not value money at all is unlikely to be of interest to a man for whom money is a significant part of his life.
