The Child Does Not Grow Hair

The Child Does Not Grow Hair
The Child Does Not Grow Hair

Hair is an integral part of the skin. The hair includes a shaft, which is made up of dead cells, and a root, which is located in the subcutaneous fat. The hair follicle, which is responsible for hair growth, is located directly at the hair root.

The child does not grow hair
The child does not grow hair

Causes of Poor Hair Growth in Children

Hair follicles begin to form in a child during intrauterine development, around the sixth month of pregnancy. In newborn babies, hair is very fragile, so it often falls out by 8 weeks.

In some children, hair growth is slowed down. There may be several reasons for this. The child's nutrition plays an important role, because together with the food, all the trace elements and vitamins necessary for the normal development of the body, and, accordingly, for hair growth, enter the body.

The baby is breastfed, so his main diet is breast milk. And the composition of breast milk directly depends on what the mother eats. The more nutritious the mother's food is, the healthier the milk will become. In this way, it can contribute to the fastest hair growth in the baby.

In order for the hair structure to form normally, first of all, vitamins of groups A, B, C and PP are needed. It follows that a nursing mother should eat liver, carrots, buckwheat, green apples, butter.

If the child receives artificial feeding, you should pay attention to the mixture that the baby eats. It should also include all of the vitamins listed. Since the introduction of complementary foods, the child's diet must necessarily include fermented milk products, cottage cheese, meat and fish dishes.

The reasons for poor hair growth can be attributed to the nerve factor. Experts have noticed that restless children with poor sleep grow hair much worse than calm children. In order to eliminate this cause, you need to visit a pediatric neurologist who will advise you on how to calm your baby. Once this problem is resolved, the problem of poor hair growth may go away on its own.

Lack of scalp hair in older children can be the result of a lack of vitamin D in the body or hormonal disruption. In such cases, you should consult a specialist who will prescribe a vitamin complex or other treatment for your child. Sun exposure will also help eliminate vitamin D deficiencies.

The last cause of poor hair growth in a child that cannot be eliminated in any way is heredity.

How to speed up hair growth

If you want to speed up your baby's hair growth, try not to use shampoos or other products that are not intended for babies under one year old when bathing. For rinsing the head, decoctions from a string or chamomile are suitable.

Monitor your baby's nutrition closely. Remember that being outdoors will also help your baby develop and grow hair on the scalp.
