Why Does A Child Grow Up Dependent

Why Does A Child Grow Up Dependent
Why Does A Child Grow Up Dependent

How joyful it becomes in your soul when you see a baby trying to help mom. The child independently collects toys, albeit awkwardly, but makes his bed, tries to wash the dishes, etc., but it also happens vice versa, when a child of preschool or primary school age cannot do anything at all without the help of adults. Why is this happening?

Why does a child grow up dependent
Why does a child grow up dependent

And the reason is all in the parents and grandparents, oddly enough.

Fear of parents. Often, adults try in every possible way to isolate the child from everyday life, fearing that the child will fall, burn himself, get hurt, etc. Constant control of the baby is normal, but only for the baby. Grown up children need to be given the opportunity to cope with some problems and affairs on their own, otherwise, there is a chance to get an over-aged child.

Parental perfectionism. This is the case when adults do not allow a child to do something on their own, fearing that he will not do it as neatly and correctly as an adult would. But learning to do it right and quickly is impossible without training constantly. You can help the child, but let him fulfill the main mission himself.

Parents' desire to protect and care. Consciously or not, most mothers themselves make their children helpless and defenseless. This is due to the desire to always be needed by the child, regardless of his age. Such mothers inspire the child with the idea that without her participation he cannot even take a step, they choose toys, friends, clothes, etc. for the child.

Lack of time. It will take a lot of time to teach a child to dress, wash or eat on his own, and sometimes it is sorely lacking. So the mother does everything herself, feeds, bathes, teaches lessons, and in the end - a child who does not know how to do anything.

Infantile parents. If mom or dad are completely dependent on their parents, they consult on the most insignificant reasons, endlessly call up, etc., then it is unlikely that a self-sufficient child will grow up in such a family.
