Children are looking forward to summer. This is a vacation, and the opportunity to swim, sunbathe, play with friends on the street. An important question is how to organize summer vacations for children. Of course, you yourself know how to transfer the child to your grandmother or go to the sea with him. But if you want to send your child to a health camp, there are many factors to consider.

Step 1
Decide which camp your child will go to. Approach the choice carefully and responsibly to avoid trouble. Be sure to read reviews about the selected childcare facility on the Internet. If possible, visit the camp. Another important factor is your budget.
Step 2
Find out the desire of the child himself. It is unlikely that a child who is fond of sports will be satisfied with recreation with a creative bias. The kid will definitely like the summer in the country kindergarten, and the teenager will like the youth camp.
Step 3
Check with your pediatrician. He can suggest the optimal climate and direction of a health camp or children's sanatorium.
Step 4
If your child has health problems, choose children's sanatoriums that specialize in treating such problems. Do not risk your child's health and do not buy a ticket to a regular camp.
Step 5
Do not forget to inform the management of the child care institution about the peculiarities of your child (for example, diseases of the intestines, stomach, etc.).
Step 6
If one of the parents works in a state institution, then the Social Insurance Fund of Russia annually allocates funds for the purchase of vouchers to summer children's institutions. In order to receive material compensation for the child's rest, you need to write an application either to the name of the head of your company, or to the social insurance commission. You will not be paid for a trip abroad, but you must pay for a trip to children's institutions in Russia. In 2011, the FSS paid the cost of a children's voucher at the rate of 540 rubles per day per child. A trip to a country camp will be paid for 50%, the rest will have to be paid for you. But please note that this program only applies to children under 16 years of age.
Step 7
If your family has a low-income status, you can count on receiving a preferential voucher, i.e. 100% compensation. You need to write an application to the social security authorities at your place of residence.
Step 8
Please note that in order to receive a voucher to the sanatorium, you need to take a referral from a pediatrician and a form 070u certificate from a polyclinic, write an application for a voucher, attaching copies of the referral and certificate.