Rest with children is an indispensable part of the life of parents. At any time of the year, you can find activities that are interesting for you and your child. Be it go-karting, walking in the parks or going to the movies.

Step 1
In the cities of Russia there are wonderful parks in which you can walk for at least a whole year. In warm weather, in the parks you can have a family picnic, ride the attractions, if they are presented in the chosen place, feed the birds, arrange games in nature - badminton, frisbee, ball games. In some places you can ride ponies or horses, which will be interesting for children of any age.
Step 2
In winter, downhill riders have fun in the parks. Here you can build snow fortresses, make and hang bird feeders to make it easier for birds to survive the winter. Usually, it is in the parks that massive celebrations and festivals are held. Here you can burn a scarecrow and eat pancakes on Shrovetide, joyfully celebrate Victory Day, take a walk on November 4.
Step 3
In many large cities of our country there are karting clubs; this is great fun for children from eight to nine years old. Absolutely safe little cars, however, instill a sense of responsibility, remove the fear of the car. Usually karting clubs have children's driving schools. After such courses, as a rule, it is much easier to pass on full rights. By the way, this is why karting is also recommended for adults who have some problems with driving.
Step 4
Courses are gaining more and more popularity in cities, in which children learn something on an equal basis with their parents - modeling, drawing, soap making, sewing. This is a great opportunity to remember forgotten skills and enjoy, together with your child, his success in mastering a new interesting business.
Step 5
If you love cinema or theater and want your child to love this wonderful art too, go to a show or performance with him. Choose a suitable session - a children's film / play or a cartoon, choose good locations, tell your child how films are made or who the actors are on stage. With older children, you can already go to more "adult" shows. The main thing is to make sure that the rating of the chosen one for viewing corresponds to the age of your child.