All loving parents want a child that they will be proud of and who can be useful to society. Everyone sees him as happy, healthy, businesslike, comprehensively and harmoniously developed. That's when parents start thinking about how to achieve this. And it is imperative to deal with the baby, and the sooner you start doing this, the better.

Step 1
For the physical development of the child: Start teaching the child to exercise, learning 3-4 light exercises with him in the morning. Generate interest in your toddler's exercise by telling him or her something interesting about each exercise. For example, jumping up with the child and raising your arms up, say: "This is how a bird flies, a butterfly …" Create a positive image in the child about gymnastics, telling him that this or that exercise will help him become big (tall), strong, healthy, beautiful Whatever it is: gymnastics, games, running or walking - most importantly, your attention should be focused on the child's mobility, which develops well the lungs, motor apparatus and joints.
Step 2
Development of imagination and creativity: They well develop the imagination of the child, as well as creativity: drawing, modeling, design. Using paper and colored pencils, start drawing with your baby or sculpting. Communicate with him in the process of drawing, asking him questions: “What are we going to draw? What color? … . Then offer the same thing that you drew to draw (blind) your child. Read fairy tales to your child, tell children's stories, rhymes, stage scenes. Ask the child to tell you what you have read to him, ask leading questions so that the child learns to reflect, to draw his own conclusions (he invented the very end of the story, scenes). Tell the child riddles about colors, animals, various objects.
Step 3
Development of auditory and visual memory: Do a simple exercise to consolidate visual memory: take three cards with pictures of different animals, but the same color. Ask the child to close their eyes, remove one card. Now ask the child to say which animal is missing. This can be done with a set of several objects. For auditory memory: tell the child 4-5 words, ask them to repeat. Up to five years, repetition is allowed in an arbitrary order, and over - in the sequence in which you said.