Preparing your child for school is very important. Backpacks and notebooks, beautiful uniforms and textbooks are usually chosen in advance, without fuss. The main chores are often delivered by the organization of the student's workplace. It is necessary to try to provide the most comfortable working conditions so that the student is happy to prepare homework.

room plan, tape measure, glass, paper, pen, school supplies, table
Step 1
When choosing a desktop, first of all pay attention to its quality. It must be stable and strong enough, because behind it the child will not only master the letter, but also draw, sculpt, even play. The height of the table relative to the floor should be related to the height of the student. For example, if a child is 120 cm tall, the height of the working surface should not exceed 58-60 cm. It is better to immediately look for a table with an adjustable height, so as not to spend extra money in the future.
Step 2
Choose the correct desktop location. For the greatest convenience, the light source should be to the left of the student. It is better to equip the workplace with a separate table lamp for evening work. In addition, there should be a stand on the table for storing pens, pencils and other stationery. But at the same time, do not litter the work surface with unnecessary items. Keep spare buttons and paper clips in a separate drawer.
Step 3
Teach your child to order from the first days of school. Designate a place for notebooks, textbooks, and creative supplies such as clay or scrapbooks. It is better if they are to the right of the student in neat piles. If the size of the countertop does not allow you to keep everything on the surface, hide the unnecessary in a special box or drawer. It is very convenient to make notes on such boxes with a description of their content. The material can be a strip of double-sided tape or colored stickers with space for recording.
Step 4
It is very good to put a sheet of transparent glass on the desktop, under which it is convenient to store notes, theater tickets, cards dear to the heart of a student. You can also put the child's day schedule under the glass, which will accustom him to responsibility and discipline. In addition, it is convenient to wipe the table organized in this way from dust or spilled paints, which will allow the student to familiarize the student with the cleanliness of his workplace.
Step 5
Try not to give in to the child's persuasion and do not buy multi-colored tables with popular cartoon characters. Explain to your child that this is primarily a workplace where nothing should distract from the process. Funny stationery and notebooks, a small potted plant next to or above the table can diversify and revive the table. Also try separating the child's work area and the computer desk. Otherwise, homework will inevitably recede into the background.