When Do Babies Start Walking

When Do Babies Start Walking
When Do Babies Start Walking

Children begin to walk only when their spine is strong enough and absolutely ready for the stress associated with independent movement on legs.

When do babies start walking
When do babies start walking

When a baby appears in the family, then each new discovery for the parents is considered a real holiday. Many start up special albums where they mark the age at which the child smiled for the first time, sat down when the first tooth appeared, which he ate in the first complementary food. The first step and the first word are, of course, grandiose events.

At what age does the child take the first steps

Young parents are faced with the fact that they constantly hear from their acquaintances that their child began to walk at so much, to hold a spoon at so much, to speak in sentences at so much. One has only to go out with the baby to the playground, as an involuntary comparison immediately begins. There is no need to be tormented if the neighbor's boy seems so developed, and his own is lagging behind.

Of course, there are norms that pediatricians talk about regarding the age-related characteristics of the manifestation of certain skills. But at the same time, one should not forget that each child, like an adult, is individual.

On average, babies start taking their first steps at 12 months of age. If we talk about the age range, then it is 9-15 months. Accordingly, if someone brags that his child walked at six months, then this is unlikely, perhaps, he means - he took a few steps in a walker.

Preparation for walking begins from the moment of crawling. As time goes on, the baby gradually begins to get up, holding the furniture or walls with his handles, then slowly squats. And one day he lets go of the handles and takes the first step.

Is it possible to help the child start walking earlier

Many parents are wondering what to do in order for the baby to go faster. This is not quite the right approach. The fact is that man is created by a being capable of self-learning. Children unconsciously imitate those around them in everything. In any case, the child will begin to walk, this is a matter of time. The only thing that can help him is active games and the attention of parents. If you start explaining to a one-year-old offspring how to move their legs in order to walk, he may simply get scared, and children are very susceptible to stress. This can be the reason for the child's unwillingness to walk.

What to do if the child did not go on time

Nevertheless, it so happened that the baby is already 15 months old, 16 months old, and he does not want to start walking, then it is worth contacting specialists. Problems can be related to muscle weakness or spinal cord problems. You cannot make a diagnosis on your own, this is the business of pediatricians. Another reason may be the psychological aspect, the child may have taken the first steps, but something scared him, and he refuses to study further.
