From birth, babies begin to make their first sounds in the form of crying. Further, at about two months, children begin to walk, pronounce the first sound combinations. Gradually, these sound combinations turn into short words "pa-pa", "ma-ma", "ba-ba". In a year, the child should have formed a vocabulary in the form of short simple words, about 10 pieces. At about a year and a half, the baby should already pronounce short sentences of two words, and at two years old, the child can correctly inflect words and pronounce more complex sentences.

Step 1
Speech development depends not only on the individual characteristics of the baby, but also on the parents themselves. In order for the child to begin to speak correctly, one should study with him, communicate, read books, and pay as much attention to him as possible.
Step 2
It is necessary to speak with children from the very first days of his life. He may not yet understand the meaning of the words, but he will pick up your intonation.
Step 3
No need to lisp with the child. Talk to him correctly, as with an adult. Already at this stage, you can lay down the correct pronunciation of words and sentences.
Step 4
For the formation of speech, it is very important to conduct exercises with the child to develop hand motor skills. For example, playing finger games, drawing, sculpting, picking up a pyramid - all this has a beneficial effect on hand motor skills.
Step 5
During games, on a walk, before going to bed, at any time of wakefulness, you need to talk to the child, describe your own and his actions, surrounding objects and things, as they are called, what they are for. All this is gradually being laid in the baby's head and in the future will help to speak.
Step 6
Necessarily in the daily routine, the crumbs should be given time to read books. Children are very good at hearing short poems. Therefore, in addition to toys, you need to buy a couple of books with bright pictures, which will further attract his interest.
Step 7
In order to help the baby start talking, you can add articulatory gymnastics classes. For example, ask your child to puff out their cheeks as if they were inflating a balloon. You can play animals, for example, portray an elephant: stretch your lips with a pipe and depict how he drinks water, click his tongue, as if a horse is running. You can try to portray a small engine that hums: stretch your lips with a tube and make the sound "y", ask the kid to portray a steamer that is humming: open your mouth and make the sound "y".
Step 8
All classes with children should be played in a playful way. Otherwise, you will discourage him from all interest, both in the reproduction of speech, and in further developmental activities, which are very important in the life of children in any age category.