Sooner or later the moment will come when the child will ask the parents the question: "Where did I come from?" Often he will be satisfied with the answer that it comes from his mother's tummy, but time passes, and such an answer is no longer enough for the child. And now the conversation about sex becomes relevant.

Step 1
The most important thing to remember is that if your child is not interested in detailed information, do not give him a lecture - the time has not come yet. Speak honestly, because answers such as “found in a cabbage” or “brought a stork” will not arrange a child for long, and when he does find out the truth, he may lose confidence in you.
Step 2
Speak with him in a simple and understandable language for him and do not torment him with anatomy. In addition, you should not run away from the answer, because then your child can find out the answer from friends and on the Internet, and your evasion will convince him that he is interested in shameful things.
Step 3
Hormonal changes in a child begin to occur between the ages of nine and twelve, although they are outwardly and imperceptible. At this age, it is already necessary to take the initiative and begin to acquaint the child little by little with the first changes in their body, so that boys are not afraid of an erection, and girls are not afraid of their first menstruation.
Step 4
Explain to your child that there is nothing shameful in the absence of sexual experience, and discuss with him the topics of sexual diseases, pregnancy, abortion and let him read specialized literature on contraception.