If a girl, when meeting a guy, blushes sweetly and is a little embarrassed, this only adds to the charm of her appearance. But when shyness does not allow you to adequately communicate with the stronger sex, you need to take action, work on yourself.

Step 1
Perhaps you are complex because of your figure, weight, height. Of course, it is worth trying to somehow change outwardly, but it is more important to love yourself for who you are: with freckles, protruding ears and an upturned nose. Turn your minuses into pluses, value what you have. Overweight? Perfectly. There should be a lot of good women. Red hair? And these are more often lucky! Be happy with yourself - and the guys will feel your confidence, you will become an attractive thing for them.
Step 2
Shyness also arises from the fact that a girl is afraid in a conversation with a man to get into a mess, to sit in a galosh. To prevent this from happening, develop your horizons (this is generally useful for general development, for raising self-esteem). Find out what your boyfriend is especially interested in, what are his hobbies. If he loves mathematics, and you can't understand anything about it with all your desire, it doesn't matter. Find other common topics of conversation. Others don't interest him? Then why do you need such a one-sided comrade? Make him a pen without regret.
Step 3
Don't take the outside of your dating conversations too seriously. The person standing in front of you is ordinary, he is also subject to complexes and also tries to understand how he looks in your eyes. Try to think about him, not about your condition. A little more lightness, soft self-irony, good humor - and the tension will disappear, the knees will not tremble, the heart will beat evenly, there will be answers to all questions.
Step 4
A raw mouse, huddled in a corner at a party, will sit unnoticed if it does not take the initiative. Yes, it's difficult, but you have to make up your mind, stand up, approach someone who is interesting and attractive to you. Say hello and ask how you are doing. You can tell me that you are very shy, which is why your voice trembles. But do not get stuck on your person, do not go into details about the causes and consequences of your shyness. Obsession with anyone. But a smile, an interested lively look will be very useful. You will certainly be smiled back, your mood will rise, and there will be no trace of embarrassment.