The older generation likes to argue that a girl should be modest. However, in everything you should know when to stop. A gray mouse sitting at a party all evening in a corner is unlikely to attract admiring glances from fans. If you want to build relationships with young people, you need to stop being shy about them.

Step 1
You probably lack confidence in yourself and think that you are not able to please guys. The roots of these complexes, like most others, most likely go back to childhood. If you seriously want to work on this problem, it would be best to see a psychologist. Until then, decide what you are missing to please men. Perhaps you feel that you are not well-read or your clothes are too formal and boring. Start to correct it in yourself! Sign up to the library, change your wardrobe - become an interesting and beautiful girl in your understanding.
Step 2
Buy a membership to a fitness club, go to a beauty salon. Even if you have just started attending the procedures, and the effect is not yet visible, the very realization that you are taking care of yourself will give you confidence. Guys like confident girls.
Step 3
You can have an interesting conversation, come up with a witty answer, make a joke - but all this is just by yourself, playing dialogues in your head? Start chatting with guys on forums. Choose topics that you know or are interested in. The advantages of communicating on the forum are that you can edit your answer or ignore the message altogether. By practicing interacting with young people on the Internet, you will be less shy about them in real life.
Step 4
If you are desperate and want to get rid of embarrassment as quickly as possible - rush into the pool with your head. Give talks at student conferences, sing in karaoke clubs, speak at work with new projects, participate in amateur art activities. After a dozen incidents, over which you will be very worried, you will become freer and more relaxed.
Step 5
If you are embarrassed not by the entire strong half of humanity, but only by one specific representative, do not rush to fight this feeling. Consider if this is a sign that you are beginning to feel something stronger for him than friendly sympathy.