Everyone knows that raising children is not easy, especially during growing up, when a child has questions about gender differences. Should the child be told about them?

Do not get rid of him with any general phrases, as this can pique his interest. It is best to choose a calm, neutral conversational tone, not to be embarrassed by his questions, not to blush or make big eyes, as the child will notice this. You can give simple examples from the life of animals or plants and tell that the nature around us is diverse.
You can also tell your child that many phenomena exist as halves of one whole. There is light and darkness, crying and laughter, day and night - after all, they cannot do without each other. So we, people, exist in pairs, man and woman, who cannot live without each other.
Men are built in such a way that they are strong and resilient, that is, they have their place in this world, for example, in some professions that are intended for them. Women are completely different. They are able to do what men cannot - be economic, beautiful and the like.
Children are interested in sex differences from the age of four, but this small age does not mean that you can play on his naivety or stupidity. There are children who have a full-fledged consciousness of the world and themselves in this world is already well formed for this age, so they should not lie. It is best to put all questions on a healthy basis, that is, to compose, at least in your head, a truthful, complete and at the same time simple and accessible answer.
The development of the child's sexual component is a very subtle and necessary moment, so this problem will not disappear by itself, it needs to be discussed and explained. Sometimes it is useful to speak a little scientific language, then the child will get bored with it, and he will switch to something else.