What To Eat During Pregnancy

What To Eat During Pregnancy
What To Eat During Pregnancy

A pregnant woman and her unborn child in the womb are one complex system. The baby during this period eats at the expense of the mother. Therefore, a woman's diet should be healthy and balanced.

What to eat during pregnancy
What to eat during pregnancy

Lack of nutrients, trace elements, vitamins in the mother's body can lead to various pathologies of the baby's development. Therefore, every pregnant woman needs to follow some nutritional rules.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the unborn child needs very little. If your diet is varied enough, you do not need to follow any special diets. Even when the baby is missing something, he will simply take it from your body. It is necessary to lead an active lifestyle, do not lie down after eating. In the second trimester, when the child begins to actively grow, it is necessary to reconsider his diet. It is advisable to exclude or limit the consumption of confectionery, rice, sugar. You should not get carried away with fried fish, meat, since due to the neutralization and excretion of waste products of the fetus and the woman herself, it is difficult for the kidneys and liver of the expectant mother to cope with stress.

Follow your diet throughout your pregnancy. It is best to eat little by little, but 5-6 times a day. Do not overeat, as this can lead to vomiting in the early stages of pregnancy and later lead to heartburn. Be attentive to the quality of the products used. It is advisable to eat easily digestible and freshly prepared food, as it contains more nutrients needed by the baby. Do not eat at night, this can lead to insomnia. Better to have a hearty breakfast in the morning. Drink still mineral, non-alkaline water. Fluid intake should not exceed two liters per day.

Eliminate fried and spicy foods from your diet. such food provokes excessive secretion of gastric juice, and as a result you will suffer from heartburn. Try not to eat freshly baked breads, potatoes, and legumes, as these can cause bloating. Give up alcohol, strong tea and coffee. Limit your salt intake, as it causes swelling that can complicate childbirth.
