Why You Can't Eat Parsley During Pregnancy

Why You Can't Eat Parsley During Pregnancy
Why You Can't Eat Parsley During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, a complete restructuring of the body takes place, and in order to maintain health, the expectant mother has to carefully monitor the diet. Some previously loved foods and seasonings may be prohibited due to their possible negative impact on pregnancy and fetal development. For example, doctors have not yet come to a consensus about whether pregnant women can eat parsley.

Why you can't eat parsley during pregnancy
Why you can't eat parsley during pregnancy

Parsley, due to its beneficial properties, has long received a permanent residence permit in the diet of many families. However, this tasty and healthy green has a number of properties that make it impossible to consume it during pregnancy. How justified are the fears of expectant mothers who have eliminated parsley from their diet?

What are the risks of eating parsley?

It is believed that parsley is harmful to pregnant women. This fresh herb contains the substance myristicin, which causes muscle cramps and hallucinations. As a powerful muscle stimulant, parsley can tone the uterus and cause miscarriage. In the old days, healers, aware of these properties of parsley, actively used it precisely to terminate pregnancy. Eaten in large quantities, parsley can even provoke premature birth, this development is especially likely in women over 40 years old.

The myristicin in parsley, which has strong hallucinogenic properties, can theoretically cause dizziness and loss of balance. However, in order for such adverse consequences to occur, a woman needs to consume at least a bunch of parsley, but a few chopped twigs that are sprinkled on the salad will not cause harm.

Parsley, even in small quantities, is contraindicated in pregnant women suffering from diseases of the bladder and kidneys, since it has urinary and choleretic properties and increases the load on these organs. In addition, pregnant women with low blood pressure should not eat large amounts of parsley.

Benefits of parsley

Some doctors recommend that pregnant women eat small amounts of parsley. It contains antioxidants that protect against luteolin, a free radical that is unsafe for the immune system of a woman carrying a baby. Adequate antioxidants combined with vitamin C, which is very rich in parsley, will protect against infections and oxidative stress. That is why expectant mothers, who are often sick, need to use this tasty and aromatic greens more often.

Parsley is an excellent source of iron, which prevents the development of anemia in pregnancy. In addition, it contains a lot of calcium and vitamin K, which are necessary for the formation of fetal bones. Parsley is rich in folic acid, which is indispensable for the proper formation of the baby's nervous system, as well as magnesium and mineral salts that are responsible for the development of the embryo.

In small quantities, parsley is very useful for expectant mothers. By the way, if a pregnant woman is worried about joint pain, swelling of the extremities, indigestion, bloating and gas, fresh parsley or broth will help to cope with these problems.
