Why You Can't Raspberry Jam During Pregnancy

Why You Can't Raspberry Jam During Pregnancy
Why You Can't Raspberry Jam During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, the baby's health depends entirely on the mother's lifestyle. Nutrition has a great impact on the development of the baby, as it feeds through the mother's umbilical cord. Therefore, you need to follow the recommendations of doctors and fulfill the "wishes" of the baby.

Why you can't raspberry jam during pregnancy
Why you can't raspberry jam during pregnancy

Nutrition for pregnant women

A pregnant woman needs proper and regular nutrition. But the quality of the products also plays an important role, so you need to choose more environmentally friendly ones. During pregnancy, only the daily requirement for nutrients increases (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and so on). It is advised to adhere to the usual diet and normal diet, only to minimize "harmful" dishes (fried, spicy). Since the need for vitamins increases, it is necessary to eat fresh fruits, vegetables, berries as often as possible and additionally receive multivitamin complexes for pregnant women.


All future mothers are afraid of harming the baby, so they carefully study what is possible and what is not. If your parents are allergic, you need to protect yourself from allergens. But you should not be very afraid, because the allergy itself is not inherited. The child is usually prone to such reactions, but most likely, to completely different foods.

Pregnant women are not allowed raspberry jam. True or myth?

In many sources, more and more information appears that raspberry jam is contraindicated for pregnant women, and this is proven from a medical point of view. Although pregnant women should not take medication, and during periods of colds, only folk remedies - honey, raspberries, milk - are saved. If these products are not allowed, then what to do?

Here are the most common reasons for banning raspberry jam that are discussed on the forums:

- raspberries can be an allergen;

- raspberries contain salicylic acid.

Regarding the risk of allergies - if the mother is not allergic to raspberries, then there is no reason to worry about the baby's health.

Salicylic acid (and to a greater extent its synthetic analogue - acetylsalicylic acid) dilates blood vessels, which can cause uterine bleeding and, as a result, premature birth, therefore, drugs with this substance are contraindicated in pregnant women. But raspberries contain a very small amount of salicylic acid, it decreases when making jam.

In addition, raspberries contain many vitamins that are very useful, so you shouldn't be afraid. The main thing is to know when to stop, and this applies not only to jam, but also to other products.

There is a prescription for expectant mothers not to eat citrus fruits and bright red foods in the last week before childbirth. To some extent, this recommendation is justified, but does not apply to everyone without exception.
