Additional education is necessary for your child's all-round development. The school gives only general directions, and the formation of the child's abilities is facilitated by visiting various sections, circles, schools.

Step 1
First, find out what interests your child has. Talents can be pronounced already from preschool age. Observe the child, analyze the results of his creative and educational activities. Make note of the areas in which your child is doing better.
Step 2
Be sure to ask your child if he wants to attend additional classes. The development of abilities must be supported by the desire of the child himself. The result will largely depend on his desire to achieve more. Listen to his opinion.
Step 3
Find out what additional education schools, sections and clubs are available in your city. Collect feedback on their work, teaching staff. The main indicator is the success of graduates. Also, consider your ability to take your child to clubs regularly. Get the help of a family member or nanny if necessary.
Step 4
Help your child choose additional activities. If your kid is active, mobile and restless, then a sports school or section can be an option. Visiting them will help the child to throw out the energy accumulated at school. In addition, sports activities will contribute to his physical development.
Step 5
If your child has a penchant for creative pursuits, offer handicraft classes or art school. In them, your child will receive good opportunities for aesthetic development. In addition, he will receive the basic knowledge necessary for further creative growth.
Step 6
Send a child with a penchant for playing musical instruments or dancing to a music school. She will help in the selection of a suitable department (aesthetic, choral, instrumental or choreographic), as well as the development of the child's abilities.