September 1 is the first day of autumn and the "Day of Knowledge". This day reminds of school, of white big fluffy bows of schoolgirls and of a sea of flowers presented by students to their already beloved or even the very first and unfamiliar teachers. But it is not so easy to choose a bouquet for a teacher. There are many rules to follow. "Wrong" bouquet can offend and hurt.

When choosing flowers for a gift, they follow the rules of flower etiquette. Knowledge Day in this regard is no exception, and the bouquet chosen for a gift to the teacher must comply with certain rules. The color, name of the flower, age and gender of the teacher must be taken into account.
Color selection rules for September 1st.
1. It is recommended to give flowers only cut, flowers in pots are not suitable for such an event.
2. There must be an odd number of stems in a bouquet, except for large bouquets, where the number can be omitted.
3. Bunches of flowers are undesirable, measure is important in everything.
4. If the personal preferences of the teacher are known, then it is better to choose a bouquet in accordance with them.
5. It is better for male teachers to give flowers on long stems.
6. For teachers, both flowers on long stems and short ones are suitable.
7. For male teachers, plain (but not pink and bright red) gladioli, roses, large-flowered chrysanthemums or carnations are suitable.
8. For a bouquet, do not take strong-smelling flowers and flowers that can cause allergies, such as lilies, jasmine, sunflowers, daisies, oleander, rue, orchids.
9. For a young teacher, flowers with unopened buds are selected, and for an older teacher, they are fully opened.
10. Better not to bring flowers of pink, blue, red, purple and black on September 1.
11. The most versatile colors for a school bouquet: orange, orange-yellow, dark yellow, they will suit everyone.
12. But you can take for a bouquet and white, and blue, and lilac, and cream flowers.
13. Traditional ornamental foliage is suitable for decorating a bouquet: gypsophila, asparagus, fern.
14. Also, for an autumn bouquet, you can use branches of rowan, viburnum, maple leaves and other plants that match the color scheme.
The bouquet, selected in accordance with all the rules, will be remembered and will give you a good mood.