How Much Is A Bouquet Of Flowers For A First Grader

How Much Is A Bouquet Of Flowers For A First Grader
How Much Is A Bouquet Of Flowers For A First Grader

A bouquet as a gift for a teacher on September 1st is a good tradition. How much can such a gift cost, and how solemn should it look?

Simple asters or design creativity?

Most often, parents, in search of a suitable bouquet, go not to flower shops and salons, but to gardeners, of whom there are a lot on the streets on the eve of this holiday. A bouquet from a cute grandmother will cost an average of two or three hundred rubles, it depends on how many flowers it contains.

It is advisable to buy flowers in advance, at least a couple of days in advance. At the last moment, as a rule, not the best and freshest flowers remain.

Those parents who want to present something special to the teacher will have to fork out. Firstly, by the beginning of the school year, flower salons raise prices by about twenty percent, this must be taken into account. Secondly, it is worth deciding whether you want to give the teacher just a beautiful bouquet or make it themed. It is believed that the average cost of a festive bouquet is at the level of five hundred rubles. For this money, you cannot get something extraordinary, just a nice bouquet. If you ask the florist to arrange a gift in the appropriate style using rulers, pencils, letters and other decorative details, you will have to pay for it from one and a half thousand rubles, and such a bouquet must be ordered in advance.

Gerberas and chrysanthemums

Curiously, roses are not very popular on Knowledge Day. Experienced sellers believe that about one in ten parents buys these flowers. The classic bouquet of a first grader most often consists of asters or gladioli, and you may not see the child behind the latter. In autumn, it is asters that are associated with the Day of Knowledge, many teachers are simply tired of them, therefore, if possible, you should give preference to some other colors.

Instead of a bouquet, you can present the teacher with a basket of flowers. Simple, discreet baskets, which will look appropriate in the hands of a child, cost from five hundred rubles.

In flower shops and salons, bouquets of gerberas and chrysanthemums are especially popular; these are inexpensive bright flowers that also last for a long time. One flower can cost from sixty to seventy rubles, so you can collect a beautiful composition from them for very little money.

Potted flowers are becoming more and more popular. They can decorate the classroom after the holiday, thus creating a little coziness. Chrysanthemums and roses in pots cost an average of two or three hundred rubles, which makes them quite a budget option.

You can order luxurious flowers from the whole class, although most often the parents of first graders prefer individual bouquets, and the parents of older students resort to collective orders.
