Girls, in order to find their prince, begin to meet almost everywhere: on the Internet, in a cafe, on the street. Very often you come across not decent men, and sometimes those who are used to living only at the expense of women. Such a man is called gigolo. How to recognize such a person?

Suddenness is the first sign that may indicate a gigolo. He has a very striking feature: his presence can turn his head. All your thoughts will be about this person, and you will spend your free time only with him. He will be very nice every day, he will fill you with pleasant SMS, he will take care of you. Alphonses are very good at caring, but they will not spend a lot of money at the same time. Alphonse supposedly sees no point in money as long as he is in love. All that can be expected from a gigolo is long walks under the starry sky, a bouquet of daisies. From such a beautiful and persistent courtship, any woman's head can go round.
Very often you will have to use your wallet. This is especially the case when you are standing right in front of the cashier of a store or it is time to pay in a restaurant for an expensive dinner. Usually, gigolos buy only expensive products and order the best dishes. Also, it should not be surprising that the gigolo wants to go straight to the registry office. But he has no money to get married. Of course, at first he will refuse your offer to play a celebration for your money, but then he will reluctantly agree.
Alphonses try to solve all problems at the expense of women. He will talk about his sick grandmother or about his brother's problems. The woman, having listened, tries to help him, and this is what the gigolo is trying to achieve. Another feature is the desire to lower the girl's self-esteem so that she does not have the idea of leaving for another man.
Very often questions are asked related to a woman's financial situation, career achievements. The gigolo can say practically nothing about his work, but he paints attractive prospects for the future. Also, the gigolo is constantly in search of a new job. Every day he has some kind of meetings, interviews, telephone conversations, but none of them brings the desired result, there is still no work.
And therefore, if you find these signs in your man, do a little check. Say that you have no money right now and your boss is delaying your paycheck. Ask him to hold out for about two months until things work out. Look at his reaction. The reaction to such a proposal will best tell you about its essence.