How To Perform The Rite Of Purification By Fire

How To Perform The Rite Of Purification By Fire
How To Perform The Rite Of Purification By Fire

Fire is one of the four main elements. With its help, a huge number of different rituals are carried out, in particular, numerous cleansing rituals among different peoples. You can carry out a similar ritual yourself using the simplest means.

Negative energy accumulates in the field of any person, affecting all areas of his life. It can cause insomnia, irritate the world around you, and destroy relationships with people around you. The rite of purification by fire will help you get rid of negative energy for a long time, bring the bioenergy field to a harmonious state.

It is best to carry out this ritual on the waning moon, this will greatly enhance the effect of the magical action. The simplest ritual is essentially a flame meditation. It is enough to light a large fire, sit as close to it as possible and carefully contemplate the fire. It is advisable to go over in memory all the disturbing and driving you into melancholy things, to visualize how they burn up in flames. It is necessary to sit by the fire until you feel that you feel at ease and well. Such sensations indicate that the fire has cleared your bioenergetic field, burned up the negative attracted by you. This ritual needs to be repeated from time to time, as it is usually not enough for a long time. If you do not have the opportunity to regularly burn fires, use candles, preferably consecrated ones. They do not burn negativity as efficiently as the flame of a fire, but you can work with them indoors and almost daily.

If you feel that such a simple version of fiery cleansing from negativity is not enough for you, try a ritual that will not only clear your aura of negativity, but also protect your home from it. For this ceremony, you will need church candles and an incense burner (but ordinary incense sticks will work as well). The ritual should be performed alone in complete silence, preferably when it gets dark. Place one candle in the corners of the room, in front of the door and each window, place seven more candles in a wide circle in the center of the room, and place an incense burner in the center of the room.

Turn off the lights throughout the apartment, light another candle and start walking around the room counterclockwise, light the candles near the windows, doors and in the corners of the room, then go around the room again and light the candles in the center of the room, light the last incense. Then leave the circle of candles and very slowly go around it counterclockwise seven times, while moving, repeat the following words “Fire cleans, the flame washes away its negative from the living and nonliving. Sacred fire, cleanse me (state your name) from resentment, from all evil, from bad rumor, from someone else's blasphemy, from vain disputes, from evil conversations. So be it . After that, enter the circle, take the incense burner, put your candle in its place. With the censer in hand, go around the circle of candles again seven times, still counterclockwise. Repeat this one more time, replacing the incense burner with the candle again. Then enter the center of the circle, remove the incense burner, sit in its place, place a candle in front of you. Close your eyes and relax, clear your mind and thoughts of everything you don't need. Listen to your body, concentrate on the light warmth that the candle lights give. Visualize how negative energy burns out, disappears, dissolves. Take the candle in your hands and hold it at chest level. When you feel that it has become easier for you, get up, place a candle in the center of the circle and leave the room. The candles should burn out. In order to avoid fire, each candle should be installed in a candlestick made of non-combustible material.
