How A Woman Can Bring Fire Back To Her Matrimonial Bed

How A Woman Can Bring Fire Back To Her Matrimonial Bed
How A Woman Can Bring Fire Back To Her Matrimonial Bed

Many women, having married, mistakenly consider themselves to be the rightful mistresses of a man. And after several years, they begin to lament that her husband has become cold to her, does not pay attention and, in general, probably does not love her. In bed, things can be also deplorable. Monotony can tire a man, and the subconscious mind is unconsciously constantly looking for something new. The same thing happens in the family: the routine of family life is simply boring, and problems may arise on the marriage bed.

How a woman can bring fire back to her matrimonial bed
How a woman can bring fire back to her matrimonial bed

In order for a man not to grow cold towards his wife, you need to follow just a few rules.

The wife must be attractive. Do not frighten your husband with linen robes and trampled slippers. It is better to have a set of frivolous dressing gowns and dressing gowns and use them to do household chores in front of your husband. Or just in underwear, but not Soviet-style, but beautiful and attractive. This will play a role in the return of the former passion.

Sometimes you have to apply something new in the sex itself. For example, try role-playing games or something that you have not done before. It is very nice for a man when his wife surprises him in bed. The fact that the woman will again start flirting and flirting with her husband will also have a positive effect.

With a husband, it is advisable not to engage in masking, eyebrow shaping, makeup. A man perceives these processes as inquisitorial torture.

In no case should humiliation of a man be allowed. Men are touchy, like children, and will never forgive humiliation and will certainly take revenge. As revenge, they will go to the mistress who loves. A man needs to be praised. It doesn't matter for what. He hammered a nail - a clever girl, he brought three crucians from fishing - a breadwinner. A satisfied man will always and everywhere try, in bed as well.

The husband needs to be fed. And not just to give food, but to feed. Delicious, plentiful, and what he likes. A well-fed man is always ready for exploits, both sexual and otherwise.

A man should feel like the head of the family. He may not be, but he should feel. Stroking the ego in time will keep the husband from going to the side and keep his well-being in bed.

If a woman follows these rules, then there is a high probability that a man will not only never betray his family and love, but his former passion will return to intimate relationships. And family life will turn into one continuous honeymoon.
