Lovers do not always amuse themselves when they scold, and not every parting can mean a new meeting and the return of the relationship to its former course. Sometimes it is possible to return a loved one, but it is worth remembering that if you have already broken up once, then something is wrong in the relationship. Sometimes the reason for the disagreement is the difference between the characters, but it is even more difficult when one of the partners does not consider it necessary to put up with the characteristics of the other

Step 1
There is no guarantee that negative moments will not recur in the future, are you ready for this? If you are ready, find out what was the real reason for the breakup? This will give you a reason to discuss matters with your partner and see the essence of the disagreements. If you were the initiator of the breakup, do not hope for a quick reconciliation. Or she, having cooled down, will forgive you. Or, if she loves you very much, she will return herself.
Step 2
If the offer to leave came from her - tune in to the fight. Remember, you will need to fight with an external enemy in the form of a rival (they do not go anywhere from an adequate man), and with an internal one (with your shortcomings or bad habits, if they are the case). The latter is the most time consuming. It would be nice to find out what exactly you do not suit the lady and, if you are ready to change without stepping on your throat, change - but then you still have to prove to her that you really have become different.
Step 3
Slowly try to fill her personal time and space with yourself as much as possible: original warm SMS and letters will melt anyone's heart. Just don't remember the past - there are so many different topics for communication!
Your task is to appear before her refreshed, in an unusual role. Become a calm interlocutor, a reliable friend, quietly try to help in everything you can.
Step 4
Your advantage over any rival is that you have studied all the habits and character of the girl, and he goes at random, sometimes making mistakes.
The best way to regain your affection is to have a frank conversation. Prepare to be discreet, honest, listen carefully, and remember. Get ready for the fact that you will have to change something. Get ready for the role of a gallant knight and patiently look after her - beautiful, original, unique!
Step 5
And for the rest of your life, remember: part with every woman with dignity, peacefully - this will only increase your chances of renewing relations with her in the future.