Anything happens in life. Even between your closest friends, alienation can suddenly arise. Yesterday, it seemed, they were inseparable, but today they quarreled, uttered many bitter, hurtful words to each other. Moreover, as in most such cases, it happens, the quarrel occurred over some nonsense, not even worth attention. This is a very sad situation.

Step 1
Calm down first. It is quite natural that the participants in the quarrel are overwhelmed with emotions, and in this state it is easy to do new stupid things. Cool down first, and only then think about how to find a way to reconciliation.
Step 2
Are you uncomfortable, even ashamed to remember what happened? You cannot understand how your quarrel happened at all? With a 99% probability, your friend is now experiencing exactly the same feelings and is racking his brains in the same way, trying to figure out what kind of fly bit you both. And from this follows a natural conclusion: both of you will certainly not give up on reconciliation. The only question is who will take the first step.
Step 3
Here we must resolutely discard wounded pride. It’s clear what you think: the main share of the blame for the quarrel lies with your friend. He joked unsuccessfully, or said the wrong thing, or looked wrong, or misunderstood your witty joke (or rather, did not understand it at all). Yes, it is natural for a person to justify himself and blame others, such is his nature. But remember: the first step towards reconciliation makes the smarter one. So overpower yourself and go to a friend to make up. As a last resort, call.
Step 4
Don't feel like admitting your guilt? Can't you just say the word "I'm sorry"? Well, this is understandable. Well, so find some neutral phrase to start the conversation. For example, with a repentant, sad look, stretch out: "Oh, well, we have done things." And sadly spread your hands: they say, I myself cannot understand what has come over us. You can start the conversation like this: “We have been friends for so many years, we have helped each other out so many times. And suddenly. Like some kind of delusion. Let's forget all the nonsense we said to each other. " Your friend will almost certainly agree readily.
Step 5
Do not drag out with reconciliation. Because the more time has passed since the day of your ridiculous quarrel, the harder it will then be to force yourself to come to a friend or just call him. And, of course, try not to quarrel anymore!