During pregnancy, the entire schedule of a woman's life changes, and habits also change, including everything related to sleep. A woman not only sleeps a lot, prefers to lie more, especially during long periods of pregnancy, but also does it in a completely different way.

Many women are used to sleeping on their backs. But with the onset of pregnancy and as the baby grows, sleeping on your back becomes not only uncomfortable, but also dangerous. And for the woman herself, and for the baby. This is due to the fact that the load on the spine and internal organs increases significantly, and in the supine position it doubles. Therefore, such a dream will not only not be beneficial, but also become very dangerous.
How to sleep better for a pregnant woman
During pregnancy, the desire for more rest becomes quite natural. Even if the state of health is excellent, the child now demands from the mother to spend more time alone. The most comfortable and beneficial sleeping position for a pregnant woman is on her side. So both you and the baby have a full rest. Your spine and internal organs are not deformed, you do not feel heaviness, after such a dream your limbs do not swell, since nothing interferes with the blood flow in the body. It is much more comfortable for the baby to sleep in this position. After all, he is undead on the surface of the bed, surrounded by his mother's belly, and not on a hard spine, rolling over it. And this can easily injure the fragile and delicate body of the baby inside you. And the internal organs of a woman can cause considerable discomfort to the baby, squeezing it from all sides in the mother's belly. And with constant movements, the baby can injure organs by inaccurately moving a leg or a handle. But in the position on the side, the baby feels much more comfortable, which means, calmer.
How to sleep well during long periods of pregnancy
It is best to sleep on an orthopedic mattress, on natural bedding. There should be a calm atmosphere in the room. In the position on your side, without tucking your legs too tightly under you, the pillow should not be very high. For some women, it is convenient to place a small pillow under the stomach in this position. So the skin of the abdomen is not stretched, and it becomes more comfortable to sleep. And remember that the condition of the baby directly depends on how well the pregnant woman rests. Before going to bed, you should not watch TV, surf the Internet for a long time, especially from all kinds of gadgets right in bed. In addition to transmitting harmful radiation, they also distract from what you are about to fall asleep. Sleep should be of great importance and advice on how to properly organize the rest process should not be neglected.