Sexual Development

Sexual Development
Sexual Development

Time runs. Our children grow up. New problems appear in the upbringing of adolescents. Sexual development takes a special place. It is important for parents to correctly explain to children everything that happens during this period.


At the age of 11-13, girls and boys begin the most complex process in the body - the maturation of the genitals. During this period, significant changes in the body can be noted. In girls, mammary glands begin to grow, thereby highlighting and rounding off the breasts. The first hairs appear in the axillary and groin areas. Menstruation begins.

In boys, meanwhile, the voice turns from viola to bass, childish and youthful facial features are transformed into more masculine ones. Pollution occurs. The hairline of the body develops. And at the same time, both sexes have thoughts about sexual relations.

In this case, our children become boys and girls. In another way, they can be called adolescents. And many of them not only think, but already want to translate their thoughts into actions, into reality. All adults are well aware of how sexual relations between adolescents can end. And the main task of parents and adults at this stage is how to correctly explain the essence of such physical changes and relationships.

It would seem that being a boy is much easier than being a girl. But this is not the case! For young boys, whose blood "boils in their veins", they are full of energy and eager to learn the unknown, it is very difficult to explain situations and the consequences that may lie in wait for them at this stage. During such a period, all feelings and thoughts are not occupied at all with conversations and consequences, but with what is hidden ahead behind such obvious changes.

But every father must seriously talk to his son, explain that sexual relations are not only the fusion of two bodies and flesh, but also romantic feelings, the love that both sexes have for each other. And they should not be tainted and defiled by the moment of lust. Also, the teenager needs to be instilled with responsibility for the opposite sex.

As for the girls, then mothers, sisters and grandmothers enter the battle. Grandmothers, by the way, are a clear example of purity and spirituality in the relationship between a woman and a man. From time immemorial, a girl was considered a noble bride if she was chaste and retained her virginity and honor until marriage. Of course, every girl at a young age dreams of becoming a mother. But everything has its time!

The beginning of a girl's menstrual cycle is only an indicator that she is ripe for her future dream, but is not yet ready to be a mother. And if not ready, then what happens, an abortion? The mother is obliged to tell her daughter what the consequences may be if they have an abortion. These are various diseases, changes in fat metabolism and the worst thing is that the daughter's dream may never come true (infertility). Therefore, the girl should not spoil the only thing that is given to her for a certain man. Everything has its time!
