Should You Praise Your Child?

Should You Praise Your Child?
Should You Praise Your Child?

Probably, many parents will agree that praise is one of the most effective measures for raising a child. In addition, praise is necessary for every baby like air, the only way he can feel significant, satisfied with himself. The more often you praise your child, the better it will reflect on his self-esteem. Of course, this is about adequate praise.

Should you praise your child?
Should you praise your child?

Any effort made by a child requires approval, a positive assessment. It is important to note the diligence, the desire to achieve positive results.

It is worth noting that indecisive, slightly insecure children are especially susceptible to praise. Praising such a child for even the slightest achievement will give him confidence and a sense of success. Upbringing associated with positive emotions of the child is more effective.

For some children, the results of work are especially important, some real achievements. They try very hard to do everything flawlessly and get very upset if something doesn't work out. Such children should be encouraged, supported and praised precisely for the result of their work.

If a child is confident and can do a lot without much effort, excessive praise can lead to the child being overconfident. In this case, you should only praise the result of the work, achieved by great and prolonged efforts.

Some parents are wary of praise. They are afraid to spoil their child. But excessive severity and lack of praise leads to sad consequences. Of course, in education you cannot do without punishment, but punishment will be more effective against the background of praise and rewards.

Many parents use some kind of material reward as rewards. This leads to the fact that children quickly get used to it, and everywhere they will look for benefits for themselves. Material encouragement will be more important to him than the feeling of inner satisfaction and the joy of overcoming difficulties. You cannot bribe a child with gifts.

Undoubtedly, praise is an integral part of raising a child. But it should be remembered - it is necessary to praise wisely, taking into account the character and individual characteristics and personal qualities of the child. Praise should always be deserved, real, and not a way to manipulate the child.
