How To Teach Children To Save Money

How To Teach Children To Save Money
How To Teach Children To Save Money

Has your child grown up and needs his own piggy bank? Why does he need it and how to teach a child to save money.

How to teach children to save money
How to teach children to save money

As a rule, by the age of seven, a child begins to understand what money really is, why a person needs it and why exactly they need to be saved. If your child is ripe for "saving", try to teach him how to spend his own money wisely.

To begin with, you should interest him in such processes. Often, it is at the elementary school age that a child does not care how much money parents spend on groceries and utility bills, but, nevertheless, they are constantly interested: when will they still buy a new phone or some kind of toy. If the kid does not make efforts to save the necessary amount of money on his own, try to offer him this yourself. He will be able to earn money on his own, for example, getting A's in class or helping his parents around the house.

The child should know the importance of the money earned. True, dad and mom should remember that work cannot be turned into severe torture. All household chores, or, for example, going to the store and working at the summer cottage should be pleasant for the baby.

Be sure to control the whims of the child. Children aren't the only ones who can throw tantrums in stores if Mom or Dad doesn't buy the toy they like. After the toddler insists on buying and does not want to leave the store, tell her that you will try to get the toy soon. The next day, the child may remember your promise, thanks to this, you need to come up with a new reason why you cannot buy a toy at the moment. It is important to continually delay the purchase. This will help the child realize that every purchase, even the most basic one, should not be ill-considered.

You still have to buy the promised toy, since the parents must keep their own promise. Otherwise, the educational moment can be counterproductive. If you go to the grocery store, be sure to invite your child.
