For a child, birthday is one of the most important holidays of the year. The child grows a year older, and he undoubtedly feels the importance of this transition to a new stage in life. In order for the child to remember the holiday for a long time, try to arrange it thoughtfully and interestingly, involving the child in the organization of festive events. Organize your child's birthday in advance - prepare the apartment, discuss with the child the list of invited guests, figure out how you will decorate the house and set the table, as well as how you will entertain the child and his friends.

Step 1
Determine with your child how many guests will come for his birthday. Draw bright and beautiful invitations with the names of the guests, and then look for opportunities to hand them out.
Step 2
Be sure to contact the parents of the child's friends in advance to find out if the little guests have any special preferences in food and entertainment, as well as to agree on the time when the child should be brought to the holiday, and when - taken home. Ask parents if their children are allergic to any foods to prepare a holiday table that will suit all children.
Step 3
Small children get tired quickly, so you shouldn't make the holiday longer than two hours. Monitor the well-being and behavior of children - do not overexcite them with excessive fun and games. When the kids get tired of having fun, start gradually winding down the event.
Step 4
Come up with exciting contests and games for kids, which you need to start immediately after the end of the festive feast. This will keep the kids from running around the apartment, and you can keep their attention.
Step 5
Think of both quiet games for children to play while sitting at a table or in a circle, as well as outdoor games in which children can run and throw out their energy.
Step 6
You should not hold contests aimed at winning one person, so as not to cause resentment and regret in children. Organize the holiday so that all children, one way or another, receive incentive prizes and gifts.
Step 7
Decorate the apartment with bright balloons, and inflate some of the balloons and offer the kids to play - they will get a lot of fun popping balloons for a bet to the music and playing ball.
Step 8
A festive table for kids is not such a complicated matter as it might seem at first glance. Put a lot of drinks on the table - pure water, juice, fruit drink, lemonade. Prepare beautifully decorated sandwiches, chopped vegetables, light salads for the children. Do not forget about fruits, as well as those delicacies that are loved by those children who will come to visit you. Accompany the process of the feast with a game.
Step 9
No birthday is complete without a cake - the cake should be beautiful, bright, with lit candles. Bring the cake into the room, turn off the lights, and invite the birthday person to blow out the candles and make a wish to the applause of the guests. Also, all children can take turns blowing out the candles on the birthday cake.
Step 10
Invite close relatives, grandparents on another day - the child may well have two birthdays, both an adult and a child.
Step 11
To avoid uncomfortable situations, show all guests on which table to put gifts, where the toilet is, how to wash their hands - in a word, make sure they are as comfortable as possible.