Every year parents puzzle over: how to please their child on his birthday? Our answer is - arrange an unforgettable holiday for him! We have prepared for you several ideas that will help you take into account all the nuances and organize a fun and memorable celebration.

Whether the holiday is successful or not, depends not only on your efforts, but also on the mood of the guests whom your child will invite to his party. What is worth knowing about? At a children's party, the principle “The more, the better!” Does not work. Psychologists advise to determine the number of guests as follows: how old the child is, so many guests are invited! If possible, invite peers. If the invited children have an age difference of 3-4 years, then together they will not be interested: their games, tastes and desires are too different.
Children's holiday menu
A break in entertainment in the form of treats at the festive table is a necessary element of a children's celebration. At the table, children will be able not only to reinforce their strength, but also to calm down a little. It is important that the food is not only satisfying, but also light and well digestible. Optimal set: fruits, beautifully decorated sandwiches, light salads, cookies, juices or compotes. It is better to exclude soda, flour sweets, pizza with a complex set of ingredients. Heavy food and active movement are not compatible! The final chord is the obligatory cake with candles (preferably light too).
Gifts for everyone
Children will be happy to take home from the holiday small memorable gifts (key chains, scarves, notebooks, etc.). Souvenirs will remove the feeling of envy in children towards the birthday person (“Here's how many gifts he has!”) And will ease their emotional state.
A fancy-dress celebration is a great idea for a children's party. Any preschooler will happily transform into a fairy-tale character, because play is his natural state! In addition, the costumes will prompt you with ideas for contests and entertainment, and will help you connect everything with a single idea and mood. You don't have to look for a full suit for every guest. A few iconic attributes are enough. For example, if you are having a "pirate party", then you can get by with a bright bandana on your head, a scarf around your neck and a pistol in your belt. If you are having a “princess ball”, all you need is small crowns and pretty paper collars around your neck. By the same principle, children can easily be turned into fairies, wizards, cavemen, Indians, detectives, etc.
For children over 10 years old, a win-win idea for a holiday is a quest. That is, the search for some kind of treasure or solving a mystery with the help of hints. You can find ready-made developments on the network and organize the quest yourself. You can order an off-site quest at an agency specializing in holding holidays. And you can also go with the whole company to specially organized places where everything is already prepared for such an event. The main thing to consider is the age of the birthday person and his guests.