How To Decorate A Corner Of Nature In Kindergarten

How To Decorate A Corner Of Nature In Kindergarten
How To Decorate A Corner Of Nature In Kindergarten

Table of contents:


In preschool age, a child lays not only the basis of personality, but also many values, including an attitude to nature. What it will be depends on the educators and parents. In order for the child to understand his inseparability from nature, it is important to surround him with it, for example, to create a living corner.

How to decorate a corner of nature in kindergarten
How to decorate a corner of nature in kindergarten


Step 1

A living corner is a must in preschool institutions. With its help, children can learn to perceive the beauty of nature, its naturalness. Here you can also get basic skills in caring for plants and animals, learn compassion and mercy towards our smaller brothers, respect for nature. The formation of a child's ecological culture is laid precisely at this age, therefore, a corner of nature should contain not only living exhibits, but also educational literature with bright, entertaining pictures, a place where children can conduct their own natural observations, record temperature, cloudiness, precipitation, in order to so that they have a concept of the seasons, the cyclical nature of natural phenomena.

How to decorate a corner of nature in kindergarten
How to decorate a corner of nature in kindergarten

Step 2


Plants are the basis of a living corner. There should be enough of them, in addition, they should be diverse so that children understand the diversity of nature. But these plants should not be very capricious, require any special conditions of maintenance or watering with synthetic fertilizers, which can be dangerous for children. If the kindergarten group is large, you can arrange a competition by giving each child a pot of earth and a scion, teaching them to care for him. Children will understand what responsibility is, because poor care will very quickly show its results in the form of yellowed leaves. In addition to plants, there should be literature and other manuals on them. If the kindergarten is equipped with a projector, then a wildlife film can be shown to children.

How to decorate a corner of nature in kindergarten
How to decorate a corner of nature in kindergarten

Step 3


A small animal can also live in a corner of nature in a kindergarten. It is best, if conditions permit, to place there a small rodent - a hamster or a guinea pig, a small aquarium with fish and a bird - a parrot or a canary. Thus, children will see that there are various representatives of the animal world - waterfowl, birds, animals. Each of them eats in a special way, has its own daily routine. A timetable should be set up so that the children take turns caring for the animals and learning to care for those who are smaller and weaker. Of course, no one forbids grooming them outside of the schedule.
