A man tolerates a woman if there is an opportunity to keep a family for the sake of children, psychological peace. Often the question arises in families where, after forty years, the wife has lost her attractiveness, began to dominate.

According to statistics, by the age of 40, many couples get divorced. By this time, there are practically no illusions about family life, everyday life begins to absorb more and more. Men often leave more for younger women. This is explained by the onset of a midlife crisis, when it is time to take stock. All health disorders are aggravated - testosterone levels decrease, which negatively affects potency. There is an irresistible desire to prove to yourself and those around you your sexuality and masculinity.
There is another category of men who simply leave. Living with a modern emancipated woman often does not justify the psycho-expenditure of a man. Only a relatively small part of the stronger sex is trying to keep the family together. In this case, the reason is trivial - there is a fear of the unknown, there is responsibility for children, fear of the opinion of relatives.
Why is it worth trying to maintain a relationship with your woman after 40?
Destroying the old life, which seems insipid and dull, you can lose the most important thing - the family. Often many mistakes are made in the pursuit of new happiness. Therefore, psychologists recommend trying to assess the situation objectively, add bright colors to it.
The peculiarity of forty years of age is to change the psychological perception of oneself. Those feelings and opportunities that one could be proud of in youth are gradually lost. Fear of the unknown forces men to act proactively. The difficulty lies in the fact that sexual activity is reduced due to the physiological characteristics of the body. Will younger women be able to accept this? A woman with whom they have lived for many years understands exactly what her partner wants. Thanks to this, she easily finds the right words of support.
When and why you should endure a woman from a male point of view
Many believe that you can tolerate a woman in your home only if, after 40 years, she does not lose her sexuality and feminine attractiveness. Men say that it is not common views or spiritual kinship that are primary, but a special magnetism with which a woman can charge the air with herself. From their point of view, a woman should:
- respect;
- give a sense of peace;
- do not demand the impossible;
- do not throw tantrums.
Feminine attractiveness also lies in the ability to give a man to dominate the family. Wives need to understand that husbands need to live with a breath of fresh air.

In any relationship, everything is built on reciprocity. If any element falls out, the marital relationship is destroyed. A man begins to endure a woman for the sake of children, career and other reasons, but we are no longer talking about love and tenderness. In such families, a mistress often appears, with whom it is more pleasant for him to spend time than with his family.
What to do?
If a man has a question about why tolerate a woman after 40 years, then his partner (girlfriend, wife) should think about further actions. In society, one can find the opinion that it is possible to return the interest of a representative of the stronger sex with the help of an image. But in practice, it turns out that this advice does not work. You should always take care of yourself.
Cheating often happens to those young ladies who, from a man's point of view:
- understand better;
- do not require anything;
- without further ado accept the rules of the game.
In this case, you can not spend a lot of money on courtship, sacrifice hobbies and interests, but get a new sense of novelty.
A woman who wants to save her family should show wisdom - just keep silent. When the midlife crisis begins to pass, the husband will most likely return. Do not share your problem with friends, neighbors, or relatives. This will avoid judgment.
Men should remember that his outlook on things can change over time. Do not cut off a connection that has lasted for a long time. You can always try to find reasons why tolerate a woman. This could be:
- her help in business matters,
- psychological support,
- raising common children;
- the need to help parents and more.
The situation is simpler for the stronger sex with full realization. They do not suffer from hidden complexes, they overcome a difficult period with the least losses. In such cases, the destruction of the family does not occur, and the man himself does not begin to go "to the side". This is due to the fact that life has taught him that it is more productive to solve a problem than to run away from it.
It is more difficult for men who are not completely satisfied with their lives. They really wonder why put up with a woman. Usually, objective answers to their question are not found or they do it late, when the family atmosphere created over the years is crumbling.