How often there are beautiful couples in love who, after a visit to the registry office, turn into spouses who quietly (and sometimes very loudly) hating each other. What is the reason?

That a man got what he wanted, and there is no more sense in a sensitive attitude? Or is it that a sweet girl turns into a “right wife” who builds a cozy house according to her own rules, trying to reshape a man to fit her standards?
The secret of such a negative transformation is in two nuances that most people prefer not to think about:
The differences between the psychology of men and women are genetically inherent. There is a fundamental difference between how a man or woman wants to appear and who they really are.
Genetics is responsible for the predisposition to adultery. By nature, men are polygamous, because their task, originally laid down, is to spread genes, increase offspring. The monogamy of a woman is the result of the fact that she was obliged to prolong the lineage qualitatively, not quantitatively, and had to choose the best one among the applicants. Therefore, one of the reasons for divorce is that a man leaves for another woman because she is different. But a woman changes her partner towards a better option.
The difference between who people are and how they want to appear leads to behavioral changes before and after marriage. Initially, a man seeks to gain attention, be more romantic and sensual, the girl demonstrates femininity and tenderness, sophistication and ability to support. However, the stamp in the passports of both relaxes: instead of flowers, he brings beer home, she puts breakfast on the table in curlers and with a mask on her face. Knowing these nuances of relationships can help you forge a truly lasting and serious relationship.