They shout from TV screens, write in magazines and on the Internet that a woman should be beautiful. This is already so tired that many ladies and girls no longer want to strive for the advertised ideal. Do not need! You have to be beautiful - but only yourself.

Real beauty
Even in our century, when the human personality came to the fore, beautiful appearance continues to be highly valued. Especially when it comes to women. So people are arranged that we are attracted by everything beautiful.
That is why a woman is simply obliged to monitor her appearance. Even if she doesn't need the attention of the crowd. First of all, you should be attractive to yourself.
The image that you see every time in the mirror should evoke acceptance, love. Moreover, the level “will do” or even “normal” is not enough. Live so that it is "beautiful." When choosing things, do you pay attention to their beauty and design? Why are you worse than things?
When evaluating yourself, don't think about standards. Think about the colors - which one is the best? An exquisite rose, recognized by all as the "queen of flowers"? Or a lush peony, a delightful look? Or a modest forest lily of the valley with an unforgettable heady aroma?
So women are all beautiful in their own way. Even those whose appearance “does not fit” into the generally accepted standard of beauty. Each nature has bestowed its own special appeal.
Now people often write that it is worth being "the best version of yourself." This fair expression can be attributed not only to personal development, but also to appearance. Do not try to radically alter your appearance, but use your natural advantages.
This does not mean that there is no need to monitor your appearance in any way. Flowers are also looked after! But do not strive to become like someone, it is better to remain yourself.
How to maintain your beauty
First, beauty is health.
- Observe the condition of your teeth! The impression of even the most beautiful face will deteriorate if a smile exposes cracks, tartar, caries. In addition, untreated teeth and gums are a source of infections and therefore new health problems.
- Don't start disease. So, many Russian women have diseases of the thyroid gland and digestion. And this greatly affects the appearance.
- Eat right. Try to buy quality products. Naturally, include more vegetables, fruits, fish in your diet.
- Monitor your weight. Find your optimal weight that you are comfortable with. You don't have to be thin, but don't let your body get shapeless either! Even with age.
- Go in for sports. If you don't have the money to spend regularly at the fitness center or pool, do your gymnastics at home. Walk, walk more.
- Get enough sleep.
Secondly, beauty is grooming.
- The body and hair must be clean. Excess hairs on the body are removed in a way convenient for you. At least from time to time, indulge yourself in a bath or SPA, take baths with essential oils at home.
- Do not neglect such cosmetic procedures as masks, massages, face and body wraps. Don't give up on creams. All this keeps the skin healthy and looking fresh. If you don't have enough money for a salon, take care of yourself at home with inexpensive means. The main thing is attention to yourself!
- Watch for skin growths. Papillomas, warts and other imperfections must be removed by a doctor. In addition, timely treatment will allow you not to miss the onset of more serious diseases if this happens.
- The hairstyle is important in any case. Please do not save on the health of your hair or on the services of a hairdresser. And always keep your hair neat, even at home.
- Nails can be long or short, but always trimmed and / or filed. If you can't afford professional care - do your hands at home!
- Decorative cosmetics are a matter of taste. But it is best to give preference to "natural" makeup, and not "painted" face.
Third, beauty is style. That is, a unique combination of elements in the look. You don't have to buy a lot of expensive items to be stylish. Let them be few, but everyone should go to you. You should be comfortable in these clothes and shoes. Likewise, accessories should not constrain you.
Do not forget about home clothes and shoes. Even if you spend most of your active time at work and elsewhere, home is your kingdom. And the clothes must be appropriate.
The most important ingredient
The beauty of a woman is also an inner state. Inner beauty can be understood as a combination of many qualities. But the main thing is the ability to love, and effectively, making the life of loved ones (including yourself) better.
Mind, wisdom, and a sense of humor are important features of inner beauty. It is also the ability to overcome your internal contradictions, to maintain harmony with yourself and the world. The ability to resolve conflicts between people is a rare, wonderful quality.
Inner beauty can only grow over the years. This to some extent compensates for the inevitable, alas, fading appearance. Years go by, a woman grows up and then gets old, but remains attractive to those around her.
By choosing a beautiful yourself, you show respect for yourself. You stimulate to achieve more for yourself. You win the recognition and respect of others, you are less vulnerable to ill-wishers. As a result, your life gets more meaning.